78 FollowersNN Buy me a coffee: MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE... I dont have the ability to speak GODs WORD as MFATW can do.. I do have the ability to echo/rePOST this WORD to as many as OUR FATHER allows.. (All Active URL links are located at the bottom of this page) FYI: This is NOT MIKE from COT..Youtube channel... (Mike knows & allows NN to Re-broadcast his works ) NN created all Artwork including every video Thumbnail. NN = Nomadic Nation on Social Platforms: Youtube, Rumble, Twitter, Gab... NN video start Times are (6pm (MST) Zone, & 9-10pm ish, Thursdays), NN Search is: @nnation You Dont need a Paypal acct to donate using PayPal website.. PayPal accepts all non-member DEBIT/CREDIT payment methods. NN Donation Linked below - Thanks for the LOVE.. COT Website: Linked below.. Scroll to bottom for links ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL YOU BE SAVED!! ..