Up To Next Fun

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Hello everyone, Welcome to our channel. This is a International Funny Channel and We are always trying to provide the best quality Funny Videos,Prank Videos. We have some funny type friends, they all time make some fun acting as real or fake. some time they are make real fun with public site and take videos outside of there knowledge. please subscribe our channel and like our Videos. Up Next Fun is about Funny and some funny instances happening around his Friends and actor. HEY GUYS FOLLOW MY CHANNEL KEPP SUPPORTING ME AND SHARE SUBSCRIBE MY VIDEO AND THANKS FOR WATCHING VIDEOS

If you are looking for exciting videos on Gaming, then you are at the right place. Stay up to date with

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Welcome to the channel! your favorite video games with no commentary. you also see the beauty of the games here, with action. All the highest gaming videos and clips on Rumble! All gameplay videos are recorded and edited by me "Kami". mainly on the Xbox One as my primary for streaming on Mixer but I also game on PC on the downtime! Sometimes I do gameplay videos, walkthroughs, stream highlights, and even random stuff in life. Follow me on Mixer for the live streams!

The great success led to features on Spotify’s “RADAR: Early Noise 2021”, Apple Music’s “UP NEXT”, and


オルタナティブ、エモ、ラウドロックの要素やJ-ロックにみられるメロディアスなフローをヒップホップに落とし込んだスタイルで稀有な存在感を放つ(sic)boy( 読み:シックボーイ) 2019年にSoundCloud上に公開された楽曲の強度の高さが話題を呼び、昨年10月にリリースされた1stアルバム『CHAOS TAPE』は東京をテーマにした独自の世界観とジャンルレスなサウンドから“ジャンル東京”と称されサブスク合計再生回数は8000万を突破。 Spotify「RADAR:Early Noise 2021」への選出、Apple Music