TIR (Targeted Individual Recovery)


My Name is Quinn, I have gone from Jehovah's Witness to targeted individual. The purpose of this channel is to bring awareness of these topics and offer solutions and help for others dealing with these things. I would rather not put myself out here but I know it is the right thing to do. Based on the universal law of free will, I have the right to tell others how I am being attack and I have the right to use my knowledge to help others. For anyone that tries to harm me for doing so would be violating my free will and the universal law that God/ or Source as granted us. Other channels https://www.bitchute.com/channel/7zMPItbnDjJo/

The Black BOX 666 Serial Killer Frame FIX Assassination


How WILL 666 You Catch A Killer - Dog Solider Hidden In Plain Sight? Prince of Darkness - Hybrid Host - A High Royal Blue Crime - Blue Murder 826,666 Views https://lunaticoutpost.com/thread-466-page-1074.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMKG7iGS6dg - A Prince Harry Crime - : They Do Not Want You To Know About Kindle Edition by Johnny Botwright (Author) Format: Kindle Edition - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08FX784JS - A Prince Harry Story - They Do Not Want You To Know: Royal Sandringham Estate 666 Killing Fields - Jack The Ripper - Crime Paperback – 12 July 2022 by Johnny Botwright (Author) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B6LNN333 - Johnny Botwright 16.4K Monthly Views - https://www.pinterest.co.uk/johnnybotwright/ - A Prince Harry 666 Jack the Ripper Crime https://www.pinterest.co.uk/johnnybotwright/a-prince-harry-666-jack-the-ripper-crime/ -

Turnwright Gallery features Rush Limbaugh art and music


Doug Henry was the "Official Limbaugh Letter Cover Illustrator" from 1997-2004. In 7 years he illustrated 70 covers for Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. In addition to his Limbaugh Letter art, this channel also features his political songwriting. Many of the themes in his songs were inspired through all the many years he spent painting while listening to Rush's radio show. You may view all the Rush paintings and purchase art prints at his website: www.turnwrightgallery.com