Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima


🔴 Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima é um canal onde mostro meus trabalhos ARTÍSTICOS, e MUSICAIS de minha autoria. No qual serão disponibilizados vídeos, e músicas feitos por mim gratuitamente, nas plataformas de vídeo e música, royalty free, para você usar em seus projetos. Muito obrigado! E um grande abraço da alma! **Sandro Lima ------------ 🔴 Ficarei Feliz por sua Doação! Isso me motivará cada vez mais, fazer projetos EXCLUSIVOS e GRATUITOS, para Você!!! 🔰 LINK PARA DOAÇÃO (LINK TO DONATION): ➽➽ https://bit.ly/DONATE-PAYPAL-DOACAO ------------- 🔴 QUERO UM VÍDEO OU MÚSICA EXCLUSIVO PARA O MEU PROJETO🔴 Caso você queira um vídeo, áudio, imagens exclusivas (único) para seu projeto, entre em contato com meu e-mail, ou Whatsapp para conversar, e ver preços. 🔴WHATSAPP: ➽➽53 984 52 03 18 (Sandro Lima) 🔴TELEGRAM: ➽➽ https://t.me/SandroLimaSankllaus 🔴EMAIL OFICIAL: **E-mail 1 ➽➽ conexaofenixbrasilplus70@gmail.com **E-mail 2 ➽➽ sulsemfronteiras@gmail.com

armes climatiques chemtrails,Harrp et 5G ondes magnetiques


le Programme de recherche aurorale active à haute fréquence (HAARP) est un instrument de musique datant d'au moins 5500 ans programme de recherche scientifique destiné à étudier l'ionosphère du la terre et ses effets sur la communication. ECOCIDE - LE GÉNOCIDE EST SOUS VOS YEUX EN 2020 AVEC LE DÉPLOIEMENT DE LA 5G AJOUTÉ AUX CHEMTRAILS.. LES CHEMTRAILS SONT PULVÉRISÉS CHAQUE JOUR DANS VOTRE CIEL PULVÉRISATION CHIMIQUE pendant plus de 20 ANS. depuis 2019 on assiste au déploiement massif et illégal de la 5G dans l'ESPACE et sur TERRE. qui aboutira, si nous ne résistons pas, à un écocide et à un génocide global sur la planète Terre..., couplés aux Chemtrails ici : les objectifs des armes exotiques, des armes spatiales CHEMTRAILS, des satellites HAARP et 5G et des cellules au sol et leurs conséquences mortelles sur la planète Terre et la race humaine : Biotechnologie Contrôle de la pensée Grille de fréquences Dangers pour la santé stérilisation Écocide haarp, Contrôle des fréquences..Nanobots dans notre sang et votre cerveau, poussière intelligente..

Weather Manipulation Or Climate Change


Geoengineering, which is a large-scale intervention in the earth's oceans, soils and atmosphere with the aim of reducing the effects of climate change, is a HUGE HOAX. The truth about weather manipulation has been hidden from the world, but now the truth is finally being revealed. We know now that the deep state use weapons to causing horrific consequences - earthquakes, wild fires, blizzards, hail, volcanos, tsunamis, floods, mud slides, tornados, hurricanes, drought, etc. They also use chemtrails (seeding the clouds) supposedly to block out the sun (climate change is a hoax), which we need to survive, spraying toxic chemicals in our air, poisoning people, animals (where' PETA?) agriculture, and nature. They have even attempted melting polar ice caps. In the past, the military weaponized the weather for warfare, are using radar beam anamolies, intensifying storms, and using sound waves. Blackguard and Vanguard loves catostopic weather manipulation and uses the deep state government claim land via emminent domain. The deep state will not achieve their agenda. Thw MSM will no longer use predictive programming against us. They will continue ramping up weather warfare until they are indicted and/or executed. They will also continue the war on our food, internet control mechanisms, account lockouts, blackouts, etc. This war is in its final stage and the White Hats are gaining control of their weather weapons. God wins; they lose.



Hello and welcome to my channel CaliMarco PT. I’m coach Marco a.k.a CaliMarco PT. Calisthenics is the method and I’m a Personal Trainer that loves to teach, help and coach people to achieve their fitness goals! In my channel you will find everything that you need for the best workout experience ( the latest FREE workouts, nutrition and supplement advice to get you on your way to ripped 6 pack abs and a more muscular, athletic and strong body ). I want to help people all over the world by offering workshops, online personal training, personal training, group training & events.

Climate. Facts. Unique. Scientific


Facts and data comparison on the natural causes of climate change unrelated to human activity, on an independent platform organized by volunteers of the Creative Society Project from 180 countries around the world. Disasters on the planet are escalating, and everyone on Earth already understands that the climate is changing. Global climate change on Earth is predominantly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicity. But why do the mass media tell us that humans are to blame for climate change? In 2022, a scientific report was published: "It's Inevitable | Scientific Report Has Opened the Eyes of the World to the Truth About Climate." There are detailed descriptions of the progression of climate disasters and accurate predictions of events in the near future. On this channel, we will be posting facts that validate the mathematical model outlined in the climate report. Join us in spreading the truth about the causes of climate change and the way out for humanity!

Anthropogenic Climate Doom Skeptic


After months of work, finally my 12 part package, Human Caused Climate Change? A Skeptical Look at the Narrative, has gone live. It is 12 separate PDFs (each one related to a different topic) that offer information and views skeptical of the mainstream “settled science”, “consensus” climate change narrative. Go to the Climate Change ??? page of my website to read more and to look at and/or download all or any of the 12 PDFs: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/?page_id=1508 It links to many sources, among them some videos. I created this channel to assemble most of them in one place. Also check out my other Global Coup related work at: https://goldengalaxies.net/Quasar/