Seek Truth Daily


There is a time and season for every tree to sprout new branches, then leaves, then bloom and then the fruit. In time you will know what to do but God by Grace will give you the faith to do his will and you will with out fail... For now hold dear to God\'s truth and that truth is Jesus Christ... His light being in you will shine forward with time moving in the same direction placing the children of God where they need to be as Gods will be done. please Visit Study the History of your Religion and Prove your Teachers. There are more false teachings of Jesus Christ today than any other time in history. #ProveAllThings Know that Jesus is the Holy Place, Jesus is Our Holy Place, Stand with Faith in Jesus Christ. Read the true word of GOD for yourself.. King James Bible Matthew Chapter 5, This is when Jesus 1st taught the disciples. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life Jesus Christ is the Holy Place, Jesus Christ is our Holy Place