AlgoDocs - Real Time Document Data Extraction


AlgoDocs frees you from annoying and error-prone manual data entry by offering fast, secure and accurate real time document data extraction. AlgoDocs extracts data from digital pdf documents as well as scanned pdf and images. AlgoDocs can extract data from various documents with different layouts of any complexity. Moreover, AlgoDocs allows you to extract data from combined pdf files that contain multiple documents and if these documents have different number of pages you can define range of pages based on the contents. For more flexibility that AlgoDocs offers please subscribe free plan at


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Hi 👋 I created this account to post anything really, including my Sims 3 designs (which you can download for free :) I know Sims 3 isn\'t a thing anymore, but I\'m a hardcore fan of this game, and I create a bunch of Houses, Hotels, Parks, or some cool Cafes for you to buy me a coffee too :) If you still loving the game as much as I do, please support my content with liking the videos and subscribe to my channel, I\'d very much appreciate your donation too at Thank you very much for visiting my page!

The Real Data

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Ranking of data over time period. As our human brain tends to process visual information far more easily than written information, this channel shares some of the interesting data in a timeline-based data visualization to make it simpler and enjoyable to watch. The channel features statistical information in Top 10 ranking format on topics, such as entertainment, technology and many more. There will be new videos every week. Don't forget to subscribe and turn-on the bell icon to not miss any. Hope you enjoy our content. Cheers!