DEEP MUSICWelcome to my channel music and life helps you calm down. These music are great for relaxing, meditation, massage, yoga, learning, studying, reading, thinking, sleeping, working, dreaming, traveling, etc. If you think I have succeeded, I am ve


DEEP MUSICWelcome to my channel music and life helps you calm down. These music are great for relaxing, meditation, massage, yoga, learning, studying, reading, thinking, sleeping, working, dreaming, traveling, etc. If you think I have succeeded, I am very pleased if you decide to subscribe to my channel the deep. Hope you enjoy my music. Have a wonderful and nice day! Deep MUSIC

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The Most Beautiful Flowers Collection 8K ULTRA HD/8K TV Great The Most Beautiful Flowers Collection 8K ULTRA HD/8K TV from the World Video In Exceptional 8K HDR 60FPS Quality For Your 8K goal gadget. You can utilize this assortment of Flowers in 4K HDR 60FPS ULTRA HD in your TV For The Living Room, Office 365, Lounge, Waiting Room Business, Spa at home, Spa music, Showroom , Restaurant Music and substantially more. Play It In Your Samsung Oled TV, Smart TV Samsung, Sony TV Device, Samsung Technology, Roku , Apple TV , Chromecast , Xbox , Playstation 5 PS5 , Wii, Smart TV AOC, 8K TV REVIEW, 8K TV 2020, 8K TV LG. In this video you will track down an astounding assortment of Flowers from all the world. Make a remarkable climate at your place and utilize this nature loosen up video as a great TV Screensaver!For a completely vivid encounter, watch this untamed life video on your Oled TV, Samsung 8 HDR TV, Sony 8K TV, LG 8K TV. Make an exceptional climate any place you need. Utilize this astonishing 8K nature loosen up video as an extraordinary 8K screensaver in any lounge area, entryway, loosen up room, spa focus, public vehicle, exercise center, inn, relax, office, medical clinic, dental facility, picture exhibition, library, and other exceptional spots on the planet.

Radio X Asia – Good Music, Great Talks, Global Emotions

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Welcome to Radio X Asia! Dive into a vibrant audio journey where good music, great talks, and global emotions come together. Our channel celebrates the rich tapestry of sounds from across Asia and beyond, bringing you a diverse selection of music that resonates with every listener. Join us for engaging talk shows that explore geopolitics, lifestyle, and cultural insights. Our hosts facilitate thought-provoking discussions, fostering a sense of community and understanding among listeners from all walks of life. At Radio X Asia, we believe in the power of dialogue and harmony, promoting peace and connection through the universal language of music. Tune in for a unique blend of melodies and meaningful conversations that inspire and uplift. Connect with us and experience the world through sound!

The great success led to features on Spotify’s “RADAR: Early Noise 2021”, Apple Music’s “UP NEXT”, and


オルタナティブ、エモ、ラウドロックの要素やJ-ロックにみられるメロディアスなフローをヒップホップに落とし込んだスタイルで稀有な存在感を放つ(sic)boy( 読み:シックボーイ) 2019年にSoundCloud上に公開された楽曲の強度の高さが話題を呼び、昨年10月にリリースされた1stアルバム『CHAOS TAPE』は東京をテーマにした独自の世界観とジャンルレスなサウンドから“ジャンル東京”と称されサブスク合計再生回数は8000万を突破。 Spotify「RADAR:Early Noise 2021」への選出、Apple Music