Facts | Relationship Advice | Wisdom Psych tips, Fun facts & Advice - Made To Enlighten Your Feed One Post At A Time 💖


Welcome to my channel. I shares psych tips, fun facts, and relationship advice to enlighten your day! You will find short videos packed with fascinating psychology facts, useful dating and relationship tips, and words of wisdom to help you live your best life. Whether you're looking to better understand human behavior, strengthen your relationships, or simply be entertained, you've come to the right place. Videos are released consistently, so be sure to subscribe so you never miss an upload. From fun psychology experiments to communication techniques - consider this your dose of knowledge and inspiration. Leave a comment to let me know what kinds of tips and facts you'd like to see next!

Weed, Feed, and Seed Your Way to Wellness


From tips and strategies…to toxin-free products and resources, my goal is to help you navigate your own path to wellness in today’s crazy world! 😜🌎. Making healthy choices is one thing you 💯% have control of each day! Are you ready to get rid of the “weeds” in your life, learn how to plant good “seeds”, and choose to “feed” your mind, body, and spirit? Let’s get started! The best version of you is waiting! ❤️ 🌱👍🌎🍎 🙏

Sheikh ul Wazaif’s videos on authentic Islamic recitations (Wazaif), spiritual acts (A’maal), and tips authenticated by the Quran, Hadith, and the lives of our Pious Predecessors. Subscribe to see more Wazaif, tips, and spiritual acts on your feed!

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Ubqari institute is a world-renowned organization founded by the Islamic Spiritual Scholar Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai DB otherwise known as ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’. Our Mission is to provide humanitarian and spiritual services worldwide,regardless of religion, creed, or nationality. About SheikhUlWazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai is one of the most Influential Spiritual Leaders in the 21st Century, his weekly Spiritual lectures are listened to in over 200 countries worldwide and are followed by millions of people on various social media channels. In 1991, he was made the Spiritual Heir of the 5 chains of Tasawwuf including Qadri, Chisti, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and Shazli by the permissions of Saints