Bluewater Market Analysis and Trades Verified


Daily Market Analysis starting at 8.05AM ET to help you with your research and start off your trading day. Price ranges are shown on the market profile charts where to engage the market and our analysis suggests what direction (long or short) to start trading from. These levels stays static throughout the day and we re-cap at 11.30 AM ET, 1.30 PM ET and 3.30 PM ET all in one consecutive recording so you can see how the forecast comes together (or not). Contact us at or call 312 361 3895 to learn more.

Daily Bread And Water


The #Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About #Jesus. We use #SocialMedia to #Share A #VerseOfTheDay, The #Gospel & #JesusIsComingSoon ***Our Belief*** The Bible From Cover To Cover It's All About Jesus. Bread & Water is essential for life. Our physical body needs for food to survive. Our spiritual body needs for Jesus to survive. ***Our Mission*** To plant a seed or water a seed by sharing Scriptures, sharing The Gospel & getting people ready meet Jesus by sharing The Good News that Jesus is coming back SOON!!! ***LINKS TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA*** Bitchute - Brighteon - Discord - Facebook - Harpazo Club - Rumble - Telegram - Twitter - Vimeo - YouTube - ***Read The Bible for yourself*** Here is Websites to read the Bible You can also read The Bible on your smart phone, tablet, computer. Anything with an Android, Apple, Amazon app store. Or Listen to Word Of Promise Audio Bible via our YouTube Playlist Here We Have A PDF Chart Breaking Down The Bible into Chapters Per Book, Verses Per Book, Verses Per Chapter ***How to Be Saved*** "ABC's Of Salvation" & Sample Prayer PDF ***Do you need prayer or have praise report?*** To Request Prayer and/or Share A Praise Report E-Mail us at or Leave a comment, e-mail us or leave a message on our Discord - #Amen, #Apocalypse, #Appetizer, #Believe, #Bible, #BibleProphecy, #BibleStudy, #BibleVerse, #BibleVerseOfTheDay, #Blessed, #Blood, #Bread, #BreadOfLife, #Cast, #Christ, #Christian, #Christianity, #Church, #Cross, #Daily, #Debut, #EndTimes, #Everyday, #Facebook, #FacebookLIVE, #Faith, #God, #GodIsGood, #GodsWord, #Gospel, #Grace, #GraceThroughFaith, #Heaven, #Heal, #HolyGhost, #HolySpirit, #Hope, #Imminent, #Inspiration, #Israel, #Jesus, #JesusIsComing, #JesusIsComingSoon, #JesusIsLord, #JesusLovesYou, #JesusIsKing, #JesusSaves, #LastDays, #LetsGo, #Life, #LIVE, #LIVEStream, #LivingWater, #Lord, #Lost, #LostLovedOnes, #Love, #Maranatha, #MarkOfTheBeast, #Mercy, #Microsoft, #Motivation, #Office, #Paradise, #Peace, #PowerPoint, #Praise, #PraiseReport, #Pray, #Prayer, #Presentation, #Prophecy, #Quotes, #Rapture, #RaptureReady, #Repent, #Request, #Restream, #Revelation, #Rumble, #Salvation, #ScreenCast, #Scripture, #SecondComing, #Slide, #SlideShow, #SocialMedia, #Soon, #SpiritualWarfare, #Stream, #StreamCast, #StreamYard, #Sunday, #Thankful, #Testimony, #Testimonies, #TimeIsShort, #Tribulation, #Truth, #Twitter, #Verse, #VerseOfTheDay, #Video, #VideoPad, #Vimeo, #Water, #WakeUp, #WordOfGod, #Worship, #Yeshua, #YouTube, #YouTubeLIVE,

Water And Wind Relax


Listen to the wind and water, relax. In times of stress, I always turn to the sounds of water and wind to help calm my mind. The sound of waves on a rocky shore, a stream babbling down its course, the wind blowing through tall, autumn grass. All of these and more bring peace to my spirit in troubled times. I want to help others and share these experiences with videos of my favorite places where I like to be alone, with the ocean and the sky as my solace. Videos that just loop the same two or three minutes of footage over and over annoy me, so all of these are recorded as one, continuous video about twenty or so minute long. However, I will post longer videos that combine footage from multiple recording sessions. I do my best to select locations isolated from interference, but a few stray sounds and sights may briefly interfere, such as a voice, a barking dog, or a fisherman passing in a boat. If you enjoy these videos, you can support my work at: All donations are used for travel expenses and equipment purchases and upgrades. Thank you!

Jennifer Waters L.Ac., Dipl.Ac, Expert In The Field Of Acupuncture And Light Therapy.


Jennifer Waters L.Ac., Dipl.Ac is an expert in the field of acupuncture and light therapy. Her passion is discovering the root cause of disease so that you can lead a life free from suffering. She has had the privilege of working in private practice with countless women, men & children for over 20 years. Jennifer created the Optimizing Egg Quality With Phototherapy program after hearing from so many women looking for non-pill approaches to health. Jennifer has been a practitioner of Zen meditation for the past 30 years and attributes her mental and emotional stability to the profound practice of zazen. Master of Photobiomodulation & Acupuncture Fusion. Phototherapy & Acupuncture Specialist. Master of the combination of acupuncture & light therapy.

Wind and water related tech videos


Alternative energy related to water and wind, both as energy and harvesting flow from them, Be sure to check my other energy and mad science related channels! Solar and Photonic--> Magnetic--> Meta materials--> Replicator related development--> F.I.R.E. (space related tech channel) --> not tech specific channels? got them too! Knights of the round table discussions from Shazizz network--> Goggles--> cat videos of Gravy :) -->

"Waterfalls and Nature - the real deal


Welcome to our channel dedicated to showcasing the beauty of waterfalls and other natural wonders. From the roaring power of Niagara Falls to the peaceful tranquility of a secluded forest stream, our videos capture the majesty and magic of nature in all its forms. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, a photography buff, or simply looking for a moment of peace and inspiration, we invite you to join us on our journey through some of the world's most stunning landscapes. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on our latest uploads and explore the wonders of the natural world with us!

Like the Lotos Flos (Latin for Lotus Flower) you too can come up through the muddy waters of the mind and bloom into an amazing being.


Hi everyone, and welcome to Lotos Flos! We're so excited that you're here to join us on this spiritual journey. We hope you will find it to be a valuable and insightful experience, where you can learn and grow with us. Feel free to ask questions or engage in discussion with us, and thank you for being part of this amazing community! Just like the lotus flower, each of us can choose to take the initiative and create a beautiful life for ourselves. With hard work and dedication, we can rise from the "muddy depths" of life and reach our full potential. It is inspiring to see how far we can go when we keep our focus on what matters and continue to strive for greatness.