THE AMERICAN REPORT is a podcast that defends free speech and talks about what the media bought by globalist elites do not speak I am going to uncover all the lies of the government and how the globalists are implementing a New World Order through the Great Reset. I am Cristian PM and the host and owner of this podcast that I hope will awaken many people. I am just an American patriot who is tired of this Big Lie and wants to be part of the Great Awakening. You can follow me on all my social media to support me and keep you informed about the latest news. May God Bless America.

The All American Report

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Hello and Welcome to The All American Report, a podcast dedicated to exploring the untold truth about complex issues facing the United States today. From politics and current events to culture and society, we strive to bring you in-depth analysis and thoughtful discussions on the topics that matter most. So, join us as we dive into the heart of what it means to be an American in today's world at a time when the mainstream media is overrun with liberal bias, The All American Report stands out as a beacon of truth and common sense. So, if you are tired of the left-wing agenda, tune in for an Unapologetic and independent take on the issues that matter most to YOU the American patriot. And together, we will stand up for the values and principles that make America great.