UFOs, Aliens, Space and Government Cover-ups


We indulge into life from other planets, how they get here and the government knowing about it and hiding the truth. Two Biggest Government cover-ups: Aliens and their technology and the Climate Change Hoax. If you like to make a donation to support the content please go to: https://dieholdfoundation.com/ for Doug Vogt https://drstevengreer.com/donate-and-support/ for Dr. Steven Greer https://www.extraordinarybeliefs.com/shop for Jeremy Corbell Also check out Thomas Townsend Brown's Website. https://www.ttbrown.com/

Four Boxes Diner Second Amendment


The Four Boxes Diner serves up hot, fresh Second Amendment news and analysis. You’ll get the inside scoop from constitutional attorney Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author. Mark's books include The Official Handbook of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, First They Came for the Gun Owners, and Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting, and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back. To defend your liberty, you need to understand the “four boxes” of American liberty: the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammunition box. We give you the information you need, and we hope to serve as your source for Bill of Rights news and analysis. Use of this channel and the viewing of its videos are subject to the Disclaimers set forth in the videos and on www.thefourboxesdiner.com

The Foul Mouth News


I am just an average guy. I am not anyone special. People making content and commenting on news, current events, and politics are a dime a dozen out here. But I do believe that there are things that I bring to the table that others do not. Such as a unique perspective from outside the false Left/Right paradigm for example. Be forewarned though. I have a tendency to use colorful language and I am not someone who is politically correct. If you cannot handle either my content is regrettably not for you.

AJ's UFO Files


UFOs, Aliens, Breakaway Civilization-Soft Disclosure "Investigating what the govt. knows about ETs/EBEs' presence on Earth...Planetary & Galactic Alliances..." -- AJ Bhowmick 👉👉👉 Follow me 👉👉👉 New Post Everyday WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. This information can be VERY DISTURBING & VERY HARD to ACCEPT. My 15 years worth of PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE & EXTENSIVE RESEARCH & thousands of MILES of TRAVEL & meeting people, to QUENCH my THIRST for the EXCLUSIVE & CLOSELY GUARDED knowledge, has led to my access to a WEALTH of KNOWLEDGE about SECRET PROJECTS & ESOTERIC materials which I intend to SHARE with YOU ALL. KEEP AN OPEN MIND & STICK WITH ME HERE NOW as I reveal the DARK SECRECY which WE HAVE BEEN DEPRIVED OF FOR MILLENNIA! If you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated. Please note "donation" in the "+Add a note" section: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=AJ5RH7T85P7KQ #UFO #Alien #ET #UAP #Disclosure #ufodisclosure #ufosightings #ufonews #ufovideos

One Message Foundation


السلام على من اتبع الهدى Peace be upon the one who follows Divine guidance. We are 501c non-profit organization in United States. The purpose of One Message Foundation is to educate people about Islam. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you for visiting this channel, click the "SUBSCRIBE" button to stay connected. If you enjoy our videos, please LIKE and SHARE them. Take care and be well in these trying times, One Message Foundation

Jamie McIntyre - Founder of Australian National Review


Jamie McIntyre is a successful entrepreneur, investor, sought after coach, internationally renowned speaker and world-leading educator, hosting on his stage some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and individuals. He is the Founder of 21st Century Education, the news site the ‘Australian National Review’ and also the author of numerous globally applauded publications such as the best-selling books ‘What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had’ and ‘Think & Grow Rich For The 21st Century’.

Fourth Watch Files with Carl Crew Verified


Fourth Watch Files is hosted by Carl Crew, known as the Barnum of Burbank Blvd. He is the founder of the California Institute of Abnormalarts in North Hollywood, which is a circus themed freak show night club, focusing on the extreme and unusual. Carl is also an actor, screenwriter and filmmaker, starring in the movies Jeffrey Dahmer: The Secret Life and Blood Diner, an underground cult classic. Carl takes a look at a wide variety of unusual topics, including Bigfoot, UFOs, secret societies and conspiracy theories in this new show exclusively on Freedom First Network.

Paranormal phenomena, unexplained, UFO


Introduction Throughout history, humanity has been fascinated by the mysterious and unexplained occurrences that defy conventional scientific understanding. Paranormal phenomena, encompassing UFO sightings, ghostly encounters, and other unexplained mysteries, have captivated the imaginations of people worldwide. In this article, we delve into some of the most intriguing aspects of the paranormal, exploring the enigmatic world of UFOs and the countless mysteries that continue to baffle researchers and enthusiasts alike. The UFO Phenomenon Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been a subject of great curiosity for decades. Reports of UFO sightings have been documented worldwide, describing strange lights, unconventional aerial maneuvers, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings. While skeptics often dismiss UFO sightings as misidentifications of natural phenomena or experimental aircraft, many individuals believe they are evidence of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. Over the years, governments and organizations have conducted investigations into UFO sightings. One of the most well-known initiatives was the United States' "Project Blue Book," which aimed to study UFO reports from 1952 to 1969. Despite closing the project officially, numerous UFO sightings and encounters continue to be reported to this day, fueling speculation and intrigue. Unexplained Mysteries Apart from UFOs, a plethora of unexplained mysteries pervade the realms of the paranormal. Ghostly apparitions, haunted locations, and inexplicable phenomena challenge our understanding of the natural world. Haunted houses, in particular, have become the subject of countless stories and investigations, with claims of eerie sounds, inexplicable movements, and ghostly sightings. Other enigmatic occurrences include spontaneous human combustion, where individuals reportedly burst into flames without any apparent external ignition source. While such cases are rare and have sparked debates among experts, they remain perplexing and unexplained. Subsequently, we encounter cases of people experiencing déjà vu - the unsettling feeling of having lived through a particular moment before. Scientists and psychologists have proposed various theories to explain this phenomenon, yet the definitive cause remains elusive. Exploring the Possibilities In the pursuit of understanding paranormal phenomena, researchers utilize various approaches. Technology, such as night-vision cameras, electromagnetic field detectors, and voice recorders, is often employed in paranormal investigations. Additionally, psychic mediums and individuals with supposed extrasensory abilities claim to communicate with spirits and entities from other realms. However, the study of the paranormal remains contentious within the scientific community. Skeptics argue that many instances of paranormal occurrences can be attributed to psychological factors, hallucinations, or simple misinterpretations of ordinary events. They emphasize the need for empirical evidence before accepting the existence of the paranormal. Conclusion The world of paranormal phenomena is an enthralling realm that continues to intrigue and puzzle humanity. Whether through UFO sightings, unexplained mysteries, or ghostly encounters, the quest to understand the unknown remains an enduring part of human curiosity. While skeptics seek to explain these phenomena within the bounds of conventional science, believers maintain that there are realities beyond our current understanding. As technology advances and our knowledge expands, the lines between the paranormal and the natural may become clearer. Until then, the allure of the unexplained will continue to fuel the fascination and wonder surrounding the world of UFOs and the paranormal.