

Welcome to Howling Echoes Homestead, we are Jim and Jodi, and along with our dogs and cats, we moved from central Minnesota up to Northern Minnesota in December of 2020. We live on 130 acres surrounded by state forest to our East and West and the Superior National Forest to our North. We are building our off-grid homestead and creating a new adventure for us doing everything we can ourselves and setting ourselves up to be as self-sufficient as possible. We hope you enjoy sharing in this experience with us, and please follow our channel and share with those who might like watching our adventure. Thank you.



Send us a business card or sticker for our Fridge of Fame! Mail to: ACME Mowing and Lawn Care PO Box 430 Wheatland, OK 73097 Ben's email: ACME Mowing is in our fourth year since standing up our lawn care business in 2018! We had a great 2018. We are still learning and having fun making these vlogs. Follow along as we learn from our mistakes and profit from our hard work. We are a central Oklahoma business focused on properties in the SW OKC area.