SveaLife Spiritual Healing & Development - Healing & Yoga Retreat


Through decades of spiritual and healing practice we have developed efficient procedures for different health conditions and issues. For us, spirituality is the key of health and happiness, successful and fulfilled living. We see this human life as an experience and the manifestation of the soul (spirit). What we offer you - either as classes, individual sessions or workshops - is what we live on daily basis, every day, for more than three decades now. This is what we do, this is what we live, this is what we are. We live spiritual life. We LIVE life. We are dedicated to Healing In our work we nourish holistic approach to health and wellness. Our procedures aim to restore, empower and harmonize your body, your mind and your soul. We are focusing on achieving results. We prefer to resolve the causes of your issues. We don't intend to keep you in therapies; we aim to heal you instead. Therefore we use procedures and techniques that are proven to be most efficient.

Spiritual Healing

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We believe this world can be repaired with love, understanding and goodwill. We are also convinced that the spiritual path can change and save lives. This channel is here to help people improve from the inside out, so they can shine and radiate their inner beauty. // Creemos que este mundo puede ser redimido con amor, entendimiento y buena voluntad. También estamos convencidos que el camino espiritual puede cambiar y salvar vidas. Este canal es para ayudar a las personas a mejorar desde el interior, para que puedan brillar e irradiar su belleza interna.

Spiritual counseling and holistic healing - mind, body, and spirit. Helping your Soul Shine!


What is SoulShine? God in action It’s the energy of God that flows through you - uninterrupted and unadulterated - pure, amazing and beautiful. It’s the spark of God - of Love - that lights the flame of another, so they too can fulfill their mission of sharing Love and God with the world. It is living your life on-purpose - in a state of absolute gratitude and peace - and encouraging others to do the same. It is soul-level living that sees beyond the physical senses and manifests with God all that is your Divine birthright; sharing your spiritual gifts with the world.