WallPlugTuna Show by TheSnooze


Hi guys and gals! Thanks for stopping by! This is a video archive channel for my radio show The WallPlugTuna Show on BBZ Radio which aires every two weeks. I run predominantly breaks but dip my toes regularly into old school sound tastes from my musical past, Drum'n'Bass and psychedelic soundscapes. The WallPlugTuna Show has been a steady installment on NSB Radio from october 2012 until september 2022 and has its new home on BBZ since august 2023. It was always live and never scripted or edited. Mixing as raw as it gets! Listen to older episodes on my Hearthis channel: https://hearthis.at/thesnooze/ Other links to follow: Spreadshirt | Merch: https://www.spreadshirt.de/shop/user/thesnooze Twitter | Tracklist: https://twitter.com/The_Snooze Minds | Social Media: https://www.minds.com/TheSnooze Artstation | My Art: https://www.artstation.com/the_snooze

Jon Zherka Plug


Jon Zherka - a comedian who thrives on pushing boundaries. His humor explores controversial topics such as race, religion, gender dynamics, and orientation. It's important to note: Zherka is here to entertain, not to offend. His comedy is a platform for discussion and laughter, not hostility. Although his jokes can stir emotions, his intention is never to cause harm. If you're easily triggered, remember - it's all in jest. Zherka's comedy is about challenging perceptions and sparking dialogue, all while making sure the laughs keep coming.