Alchemical Science


I’m Jordan, a self taught farmer, electrical engineer and physicist who conducts open source research in the areas of unified field theory, soil science, plant biology, radiant energy, neuroscience and the energy systems of the human body. I’m also a practicing Alchemist and so I try to employ a research methodology that’s informed and directed by the idea that there is a universal pattern that can be observed in all aspects of the natural world. My research is fully open source and no new ideas expressed in my videos can be patented.

Covid Hoax and Its Deadly Biochemical Weapons, Commonly & Mistakenly Thought of as "Vaccines"


Covid-19 is just a variant of the flu that comes up every year. Yes, people do die of the flu, as has happened with Covid-19. The PCR tests were misused to diagnose Covid, as the PCR tests were never intended for diagnosis. Real vaccines come out of nature, as did the small pox vaccine. No real vaccine can be created in a laboratory. Chemical concoctions being called "vaccines" for Covid are actually very deadly. The have been fatal in many cases. Covid-19, not being spectacularly dangerous itself, was promoted into such a serious illness, that people would seek and demand a vaccine. So the pharmaceutical industry obliged, coming up with various chemical concoctions in their laboratories. Not particularly therapeutic, but it sure does make a lot of money for the pharmaceutical companies. I've added GMO to this channel as a topic to cover.



The Alchemical Tech Revolution explores the ancient roots of technocracy and seeks to find the true metaphysical underpinnings of our modern society. The state of our society and technology plays a key role in understanding the science of social engineering and how it has been leveraged against us by a small group of elitists who run our world. The occult history and teachings of the various secret societies is frequently discussed to give context to things happening in our world. Current events and conspiracy theory meet esotericism and the synchromystic in this eye-opening broadcast...

Chemical Trails


Question for written answer E-005130-17 to the Commission Rule 130 Michał Marusik (ENF) Citizens, farmers and numerous environmental organisations, both in Europe and on other continents, show continued interest in long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft. Particularly disturbing are the reports on chemtrails, chemical trails caused by spraying chemicals in the atmosphere in an effort to change weather (geoengineering) and damage the environment and human health. Is the Commission aware of chemtrails and of any instances of their being used in the EU? Has the Commission taken any action so far to analyse that phenomenon and evaluate its effect on the environment and EU citizens? How does the Commission plan to protect EU citizens against such activities?

The Jason Damico Show


Developed and founded in the Spring of 2019, The Jason Damico Show is a podcast focused on the artistic community and the covering of uniquely gifted artists/personalities--as well as having fun and documenting great moments and memories. The podcast is conducted in a Joe Rogan-type formatting but more specified towards artists and the entertainment industry. The show has the honor of covering the insightful stories of world class talents and personalities such as Joe McNally (LIFE, National Geo), John Custer (Sony, Columbia), Jessica Lynn (Keith Urban, ZZ Top), James Lugo (American Idol, 311), Brad Russell (Joe Satriani), and many more. The show began gaining traction when we reached out to viral YouTube/Reddit star MessiahSez for a featured special in his apartment in Brooklyn, NY. Many guests on the show have praised the atmosphere of the show to be "healing and therapeutic"--propelling positive vibes into an often negative space (social media).

Cosmic Agency FR


Nous traduisons sur cette chaine, toutes les vidéos de Mari Swaruu en Français, ainsi que celles de Zael et Arien dans leur totalité. La chaine existe depuis la création de celle de Mari Swaruu sur youtube. Les traductions sont effectuées quelques heures après celle de Mari sur sa chaine dans l'ordre chronologique. Comme le disait T. Lobsang Rampa, ou Lao Tseu, "Mieux vaut allumer une bougie que maudire les ténèbres" Nous avons lancé cette chaîne pour permettre aux francophones, qui ont aperçu la lumière, d'accéder aux informations divulguées par les Taygétiens, et Swaruuniennes des Pléiades, qui sont retransmises par Gosia et Robert, des chaînes Cosmic Agency, Agencia Cosmica, Despejando Enigmas, et REVELACIÓN CÓSMICA. Nous vivons les révélations et c'est avec joie que nous continuerons à traduire, aussi longtemps que possible, les connaissances qui nous permettront, à tous, de mieux cerner les réalités de l'existence :) Votre petite équipe Francophone composée de : Olivier Gp, Jonathan, Yaka, et Deuane. ➡️Si vous souhaitez nous faire un don sur Tipeee pour nous donner un bon coup de pouce ;) c'est ici : Rejoignez nous également sur : Telegram : Odysee : Cosmic Agency FR sur youtube : Youtube : Youtube :