Saúde em Forma | Mateus Sef


Te ajudo a ter mais Saúde com vídeos confiáveis, leves e sem muitas complicações. Abordando assuntos relacionados ao mundo fitness e de bem-estar, como alimentação (dieta), ganhar e perder peso, musculação, Se livrar de dores e lesões. Além de muitas dicas e tira dúvidas. 👉QUEM SOU EU? Meu nome é Mateus Sef e trago muita informação moldada com muito estudo e experiências. Desde a Universidade Federal de Viçosa, considerado na época o melhor do país, passando por pós-graduação, especialização em futebol, MBA, mais de 60 cursos, experiência internacional, trabalho no Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, proprietário de Academia multi-modalidades e criador do Canal Saúde em Forma, do Programa online Emagreça com Saúde, Programa BayLes, além das mais diversas mentorias e consultorias.

Scene Master


In this thrilling movie scene, the stage is set for an epic battle of titans. The tension is palpable as two formidable forces, each driven by their own motivations, prepare to face off in a high-stakes showdown. The scene is charged with energy and anticipation as the characters, with their distinct personalities and abilities, step into the arena. As the battle unfolds, viewers are taken on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, from heart-pounding excitement to nail-biting suspense. With stunning visuals, expertly choreographed action sequences, and a soundtrack that intensifies every moment, this scene is a cinematic masterpiece that leaves audiences on the edge of their seats. "Clash of Titans: The Ultimate Showdown" is a mesmerizing spectacle that showcases the very best of action-packed cinema.

Tadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy


Tadeusz Kasprzak Niezależny Dziennikarz Śledczy. Założyciel Konsorcjum Medialnego: SZPONY MAFII Polska. Obecnie Dziennikarz Śledczy, Redaktor Naczelny SZPONY MAFII Polska Niezależnego Dziennikarstwa Śledczego. Licencja PL. nr. 1130/20. Niezależne Dziennikarstwo Śledcze, wspierane przez podmioty zewnętrzne Konsorcjum Medialne SZPONY MAFII Polska/ USA 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066 email: SZPONY MAFII Polish Independent Investigative Media. BERLIN SZPONY MAFII Deutscher Correspondent 10623 Berlin Bundesstraße Ujawniam Układy Mafii, Oszustwa, mechanizmy działań zorganizowanych grup przestępczych, co ojczyźnie lojalność przyrzekali, a Mafii się sprzedali. Wywiady, Reportaże, Transmisje na żywo, ujawnianie materiałów dowodowych, w tym i ten dotychczas objętych tajemnicą. Działam w interesie interesu społecznego, jego bezpieczeństwa, oraz pomocy poszkodowanym. Z wyrazami szacunku Tadeusz Kasprzak

EPG Studios Entertainment - Your Ultimate Source for All-in-One Content!


PG Studios Entertainment is your gateway to a world of captivating and diverse content. We're your one-stop destination for an array of entertainment, offering everything from thrilling movies and engaging TV series to hilarious comedy sketches, thought-provoking documentaries, and so much more. With a passion for delivering quality and variety, we invite you to explore, indulge, and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of entertainment that EPG Studios has to offer. Subscribe now and never miss a moment of the action, laughter, drama, and excitement!"

Matheus Rangel - Dicas Offshore


Somos o maior canal de Dicas Offshore! Trabalho embarcado desde meus 19 anos, e com isso já participei de diversos processos seletivos no setor de óleo e gás. Com esse conhecimento , tenho ajudado pessoas a conquistarem o tão sonhado emprego offshore. Aqui você vai ver Dicas, Entrevistas e tudo que você precisa saber sobre o mercado offshore você encontra aqui. Acompanhe e compartilhe . Se inscreva na nossas redes sociais. Mande suas perguntas!! NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS Instagram: @matheus_rangel LinkedIn: E-mail:

Nonsexual Soulmates Podcast


An irreverent podcast hosted by Kayla (new mommy) and Kailey (a DINKWAD--dual income no kids). Our podcast explores uncomfortable social situations, personal moments of rage, and asks the questions you might have been too embarrassed to admit out loud. We strive to be open and honest while we explore entering our thirties and functioning as real adults. The best part is that we are a perfect example of what we all need to remember - you can be lifelong friends and still not always agree on a topic. Join us for laughs, for sincerity, and for those moments where you think to yourself... oh wow I do that too. NonSexual Soulmate Definition: that kind of friend you feel has known you for your entire life, and maybe a few of your past lives too.