Empowering you to love your body with knowledge about food, exercise and your body and supporting your mind with meaningful meditations.

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Your Body: is amazing. You can throw so much at it and it adapts and works for you all the time. But how much do you know about how the food we eat actually affects your body? I’ve done the research and found some amazing facts that have changed the way I approach food and exercise and can do the same for you. Your Mind: and body are connected. One affects the other, whether it is your microbiome, your reaction to food and chemicals or hormones there is no way to separate one from the other. And armed with the right knowledge and tools you can take control of your psychology to make positive effects on your body. Your Business: who is going to look after your best interests? Who is going to look after your long term mental and physical health? It definitely isn’t the food industry and their ultra processed food, they are only looking after themselves. If you are struggling with food, I want you to know it is not your fault, I want to tell you the truth about this highly addictive and damaging business and give you the knowledge to start looking after your own mind and body.