Light Dove Ministries An Educational Platform Verified


In early 2020, Light Dove Ministries (LDM) advanced into a new legal entity called a Private Membership Association (PMA) for the purposes of protecting its private member’s 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights to privacy, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and First Amendment freedom of speech relative to natural health products and general healthcare choices. The primary driver for the private domain transition is for several decades and more recently, many state’s medical licensing boards, have aimed to stop the public population from receiving natural, God-given, common sense health care. As a PMA, Light Dove Ministries no longer operates in the public domain (as a C-Corp or LLC), yet continue to function in good legal standing as a private entity with the advantage of fewer restrictions. The new Light Dove platform will provide trusted resources, efficacious protocols, educational modules targeting alternative health therapies, how to properly educate the immune system, and educational modules instructed by the brightest minds in science and medicine. The core function of the ministry is to serve you, and to bring God-focused principles, prayer, and purpose back to health and wellness.

Lighted Way Ministries Verified


Lighted Way Church Ministries channel. Lighted Way Ministries, which was officially founded in the spring of 2007. Mark and Shauna Manfredine, of Lighted Way Ministries, are committed to serving our Heavenly Father and furthering the advance of His Kingdom. To that end, we offer seminars, retreats and workshops. All are called to know and live-by the Word that is the Lamp unto our feet and the Light upon our path. May the Heavenly Father bless you with ever-increasing light.

Light of Christ Ministries


Biblical Home Bible Believers - Non Denominational Sound Doctrine Christian followers of Jesus Christ KJV Bible (preferred) believers I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh. Jesus IS The Pre-existing God from the beginning of Creation. Jesus Is God in the flesh - The only begotten Son of the Father. The Holy Spirit is God - the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is the Spirit of God. God the Father is above in Heaven - No one has seen at anytime ; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. I believe in the Trinity that there are three that bear record in heaven, The Father, The Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one. (1 Jn 5:7) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23) And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9)

Tiffany with Shining Light Ministries

1 Follower

The light shines in darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it, John 1:5. There is something about light that draws you to it. Even through the storms of life, light is present. Though buried in self-reliance, the light flickers still. When ridiculed, shunned, forgotten, and exploited; the light remains steady. As a beacon of celebration for all to savor. As a shielding shepherd gently persuading us away from darkness. Light stands prominent signaling us to liberty. Jesus is that light that shines in us for all to see. Jesus is that light that darkness will never overcome. Jesus is the flickering even in the darkest of souls; welcoming the prodigal’s home. Every person is equipped with the light (Jesus). SLM promotes the usage of that indwelling light. Giving it back to the giver, God our heavenly Father. This is done by living a life in service to Him, through serving one another. Shining Light Ministries is dedicated to building, cultivating, and sustaining community. Using the unique light gifted to each and every one of us. Each representative operating differently; fueled by the same light (Jesus), and guided by the Helper (The Holy Spirit). This is a ministry rooted in teaching, living, and spreading Jesus Christ, through knowledge of The Word. Ensuring each representative utilizes The Word (Jesus & Bible) as a firm foundation. This community-based ministry parallels Jesus, in service to all, and is for all. Warm welcomes and heavenly celebrations to our potential, new, and seasoned representatives of Shining Light Ministries (SLM).