All My Favorite People Podcast


Hey new friends, it's me Brittney otherwise known as LifeJesusStyle! Join me and some of my freethinking friends as we engage in Christ centered, crunchy, and conservative conversations that actually make a difference. I'm here to help other Believers navigate today's world, deepen their faith, and find their voice. Thanks for watching! Brittney Jones is a Conservative health freedom and parental rights advocate and activist in Orlando, Florida. She is the co-founder of Florida Christian Patriots, a group that activates local Christians into politics and advocates for Biblically aligned legislation. She sits on the Executive Board for Florida Freedom Keepers, which advocates for medical freedom and informed consent with gentle messaging, focusing on community and education. Brittney is a mom of three boys, ages 20, 14, and 9. She was single mom from the age of 20 until 25 when she met and married her husband. Their youngest son is vaccine injured and on the autism spectrum. This realization was a wake up call for Brittney, and in 2018 she began looking into our food and pharma. As an SA, DV, and cPTSD survivor, Brittney shines the light of Jesus into the darkest seasons of her life through these conversations with the hopes that those who listen will know they are not alone, and that their hope can come from Christ alone. Her weekly long-form podcast, All My Favorite People, focuses on sharing stories from people who are overcomers, awakening the Church for such time as this. You'll hear from pastors, authors, advocates, and regular people just like you and me who are all part of the remnant rising to #wakethechurchup. Follow the podcast on Instagram @allmyfavoritepeoplepodcast & Brittney's personal account @lifejesusstyle or by checking out #lifejesusstyle on social media.



Our Portal to Amazing Health and Open Hearts and Open Minds Hello there, everybody! here's the link below: Lifewave (To expand your horizons in the mental and emotional: (and the physical(, does it not have to begin with our physical bodies?) : To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever reason: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started! The wheels of progress roll slowly, we may not see the markers, but that does not necessarily mean we don't know the goings-on behind the scenes! We have the inherent traits of creators, yes I said creators, because we are their progeny and are forever linked to their gene pool(s). Believe what you will about the Bible, Elohim is plural for creators or life-givers. Edin, not Eden, was a laboratory complex in the most beautiful part of the world selected for design and environmental purposes. It is the place of origin for what we know of as "man" (human being). All of what we deem as religions was designed to control man through fear, as an addiction to get to feel and think forgiven for not having to take responsibility of one's own life choices. I am in no way sorry or apprehensive about explaining the fundamental natures of our reasons for being on this world, at this particular time, in this particular moving quadrant of the multiverse. Thank you and you're welcome and please, as we aim to expand our collective and individual thinking from a high level of fundamental truth and actual reality! THERE IS TRULY SO MUCH MORE ON THE HORIZON, GUYS, AND GALS! FIRST, CONSIDER THE ANT AND THE FACT THAT ROME WASNT STARTED, FOUGHT OVER, BIURNED DOWN, REBUILT AGAIN, DIVIDED, AND REENVISIONED ALL IN ONE DISTINCT MOVEMENT OR EPISODE! MUCH LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR YOUR LOVING PATIENCE !!! To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever personally: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started!

GKE-Presents: *True Way of Life*[Following {Jesus/Yehoshua/Immanuel}-The Christ]


Check-Out the show, come deep into to rabbit hole of The Matrix and find Out if your a true player and just an npc. Kickback and stimulate your mind with Real Talk about Real life. The episode is a preview of a few heated topics most people avoid due to The Matrix controversy. This season we're going deep into the rabbit hole, topic of Jesus and the truth, how to live life better, The Matrix and how to navigate it. Grand Knew Empire - NFT Collections$GrandKnew

The Secret Life of Jesus through the Akashic Memories


Truth about the life of the Essenians and Jeshua [Yeshua, Jesus]. The purpose of this channel is to bring new understandings and information on the true nature of the Essenian Community, the Master Jesus and some of his close disciples. In the context of the current awakening taking place on this planet, it is necessary to bring a new perspective and revelations about the Scriptures, which have been misleading the beliefs of human kind for more than 2 millennia.