David Vance & ilana Mercer: Hard Truth Verified


DAVID VANCE is one of the most outspoken, fearless political commentators in the UK and bears the scars for it. Having been in front-line politics as Deputy Leader of the UK Unionist Party for some years, he was delighted to oppose the anti-democratic Belfast Agreement and the Clintonian-Blair forces behind that. He even wrote a book about it all called “Unionism Decayed” (2008). David has been a successful businessman for decades and prides himself on his independence. He has turned in stellar appearances on ALL mainstream UK political programs, before being … cancelled. He doesn’t care! He and ilana mercer have joined forces to create the punch-in-the-gut HARD TRUTH channel. Contacts: https://gettr.com/user/davidvance & https://gab.com/DAVIDVANCE ILANA MERCER, paleolibertarian author and theorist, has written a weekly column since 1999, in which first principles and a fidelity to reality have combined to yield a predictive, fun bit of writing on the most controversial, pressing issues of the day. From war to racism to trade deficits to anarchism to immigration and populism; as a reader put it, “We’ve learned to trust you.” Books: Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (2016) Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/ilanamercer Twitter: https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer

Elderyoungone Hardcore Scriptural Truth

1 Follower

Them camps and liars know I am right.ALL of the 12 tribes are Negro,Brown skin,Black,and I dare them to touch this so Check it !! The position of the Planets and stars with relation to one another at a given time such as a persons birth is regarded as determining that persons destiny or tribe in which he or she is a part of. A chart was made for the 12 tribe signs and the positions of the planets and stars by which maji and prophets could tell a persons atributes likes and dislikes and help give a purpose for their life. They could calculate the influence of the moon and stars on a person. Proverbs 20:24 ( remember that YAH is the one who made the moon and stars for a reason. ) Deut,4:19 / Gen. 1:14 / Job 38:31-33 / Jer.10:32 / Gen.49:1-7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHj93... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU6X_... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFM0X... Psalm 147:1-4 / Gen.15:5 / Isaiah 47:13-14 - Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from [these things] that shall come upon thee. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=... Throughout the Bible, Talmud and Code of Jewish Law there are fascinating descriptions of how YAH channels His life force into our world through heavenly bodies. At the same time, when one is connected to the Torah and observes its commandments, he or she is directly plugged into the Supernatural, surpassing the influences of astrological forces. Jacob’s sons, who became the 12 tribes of Israel, are actually 12 different soul roots from which the Jewish people descend. These roots correspond with the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 Jewish months, 12 of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet and 12 attributes of the soul, such as sight, anger, speech and thought. We have the ability to better ourselves at any time, but the Kabbalah delineates (define) certain times that are more auspicious to work on certain attributes. For example, Jewish holidays do not only commemorate (mark by some ceremony or observation ) historical events, but are the result of heavenly forces and energies. In the month of Nissan, when we celebrate Passover( a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt) , the attribute of speech is at its height—giving us the added strength to refine our attribute of communication. According to the astrological chart, the month in which you are born indicates a hidden strength you can develop, or a weakness you can overcome; however, you are not locked into the "personality" of your month. Each of us is infused with these strengths and weaknesses. We can refine them, one by one, during the cycle of the Jewish year, as we strive for a life where the physical, mental and emotional are integrated into the spiritual. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/t... Numbers 24:2 Israel abided in their tents " according to their tribe." Not according to their family. Numbers 36:5-12 Could only marry someone of the same tribe.