Please Subscribe & Support Our Naturalist's Channel Welcome Beautiful People! I created this channel to bring the elements of nature closer than you could ever imagine right before your very eye. Whilst it is my intention to deliver all-natural raw sounds, some videos may include suitably appropriate music to enhance your experience and relaxing satisfaction. The channel is intended to cater for the needs of general audiences who seeks the presence of best natural elements through virtual resources, conveying the mechanism and processes of mitigating pertinent issues like sleeplessness, insomnia, anxiety and stress sufferings, loss of concentration and related issues or just for relaxation purposes in general. If you like the content of this channel, I appreciate if you could please "LIKE", "SHARE" and most importantly "SUBSCRIBE" to support its success, and at the same time be notified of new uploads as I always create videos often in my free time. Thank you Rén Quiambao

Gokuma's Doom Modding & Odd Things Verified


Only cool stuff allowed here! No weeb shite! Got a problem with that? I'll concuss you with my huge wrecking BALLS, and you can take your blubbering mangina elsewhere to cry a freaking river of cringe! Mostly Doom modding and some other stuff. Home website PROUDLY hosted by ModDB page Recruited by Kontra Kommando as the other half of Team RetroFPS to work on the new expanded editions of Friday the 13th: Jason's Doom I can't stand Dragon Ball, and don't care about Street Fighter 5 or 6, so don't expect to see any of that on my channel.



Shinrin-yoku (森林浴)—which literally translates to “forest bath”—is the Japanese practice of “bathing” oneself in nature with the intention of receiving therapeutic benefits. Beginning in Japan in the 1980s (the word itself was coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 1982), the practice of shinrin-yoku has since spread widely across the planet—there is now a wide range of guided tours operating within Japan and all over the world that teach the benefits of forest therapy.



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