One man, one song, one guitar, many towns


I am Rob, I currently travel the world with my wife Hannah. I pick up guitars wherever I can find them and play songs I like! After over a decade as a professional musician in the UK, Hannah and I left everything behind in Jan 2022 and have no plans to return home. My hope with this channel is to preserve some random songs and places as well as maybe to connect with a few musically like minded individuals around the world. Thanks for tuning in.

Guitar Man TV


Guitar Man TV's proposal ( is to form a collaborative community focused on Rock with a focus on the integration of artists, musicians, teachers and music lovers in general. Thus, one promotes the other and Music thanks you! A proposta da Guitar Man TV ( é formar uma comunidade colaborativa voltada ao Rock com foco na integração de artistas, músicos, professores e amantes da música em geral. Assim, um promove o outro e a Música agradece! La propuesta de Guitar Man TV ( es formar una comunidad colaborativa enfocada en el Rock con enfoque en la integración de artistas, músicos, profesores y amantes de la música en general. Der Vorschlag von Guitar Man TV ( besteht darin, eine kollaborative Community mit Schwerpunkt auf Rock zu bilden, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Integration von Künstlern, Musikern, Lehrern und Musikliebhabern im Allgemeinen liegt. LET'S PLAY TOGETHER ON GUITARMAN.TV!