Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means. C3RF opposes Motion M-103, the UN Agenda 2030, the Global Compact on Migration, the distorted use of “Islamophobia” in the Canadian political lexicon - with the goal of promoting education, justice, and Charter Rights protection to all Canadians.

New Zealand and The World is waking up. Freedom rights.


Episode of Fight for Freedom movement in New Zealand and other countries JOIN my Telegram : mandates, covid pass, teachers, nurses, mandatory, Covid, protests, quarantine, provax, kids, churches, coerscion, duress, government, New Zealand, NZ, hold the line, peacefull, march, gathering, masks, regime, poilice, haka, freedom, rights, voices, coalition, Tamaki, fake, mass media, premier, false, segregation, apartheid, unity, fight, stand, awake, concerns

My human right is to think differently !


People that are actively involved here have combined their time and energy and approached this for the purest of reasons and ideals, and with no preconceived notions ! We are not encumbered by anything, there is no interest involved, and at the same time we do not, and will not, allow anyone to challenge our work by possibly linking anything that we do to something that is, or can be, viewed as being against the law ! In order to achieve our goal, we went a step further, and are preparing something that will ensure those of us who consider themselves to be 'free thinkers' to NEVER BE CENSORED AGAIN, something that has happened time and again throughout history, and today it seems is reaching its peak ! We firmly believe that the potential for change, not only of every society but the world as a whole, lies in absolutely each one of us... but that the biggest problem is in the fact that we are just not aware of it… Our voice has to count ! Contact Site

Standing in Unity for our Rights & Freedom


Welcome to Miramichi Freedom Warriors! Great to have you come join us here Since FB is censoring and banning a lot of groups and profiles, we decided to create a group here so we\'ll be safe should our group be deleted on FB. Better to be safe than sorry Hard to believe that in only 2 weeks since we had our first rally, we have grown so much! Your support is greatly appreciated! We have succeeded in getting our message out there and the response has been amazing!!! Looking forward to stand with all you warriors in Unity for our rights & freedoms! #MiramichiFreedomWarriors #NBRising # #StandUpForYourFreedom

420 blue pill chad cucking Redpill #rightWinger have no rights to freedom : IS MY DREAM


BLUEPILLER in actively supporting right wingers beta femboys Mega red hats values are removed from government , school( especially when its were right wingers school Child attended) all of educational institutions over American systems🤞😂 in America by 2025 : Or meme to the point were metal treatment is necessary, it's my second calling / inside hobbies.but I would settle for that for triggered videos fuel