Center For Faith and Work


Topic Covered: 1) Alternative Research: -Exploring Alternative Research: Discovering Overlooked Truths -Faith and Understanding: Insights from Alternative Perspectives 2) Cultural Trends and Eschatology: -Signs of the Times: Biblical Insights on Cultural Trends and Eschatology -The End is Near: Understanding Apocalyptic Perspectives through Scripture 3) Religions and Doctrines: -Faith and Doctrine: A Humble Exploration of Beliefs in Light of Scripture -Understanding Beliefs: Examining Religions and Doctrines through a Biblical Lens 4) Eschatology and Geopolitics: -Prophetic Insights: The Role of Eschatology in God's Plan for Humanity -The Final Countdown: Biblical Reflections on Geopolitical Implications of End-Time Beliefs 5) General Bible Study: -Exploring the Scriptures: Discovering Biblical Truths for Today -The Bible Uncovered: Key Themes and Teachings for Faithful Living. For English Content, please visit our sister channel:

HFFN-Fred DeLuca President & CEO


The Hope Family and Faith Network was created to Inspire, educate and entertain through the eyes and heart of God.” Fred DeLuca. This is done through the production of videos posted on the HFFN YouTube Channel. It was originally created by Fred DeLuca as a blueprint for his 3 beautiful daughters aged 23, 22 and 20, on how to navigate through loss, and also the challenges and struggles of everyday life. Our prayer is that many more will see that LIFE is a precious gift from God, and that Hope, Peace and Joy lie in trusting and TOTAL surrender to God and His will.