Dr. Eric Berg Verified 58,161 Followers Best-Selling Author 📚\nPassionate Advocate of the #KetogenicDiet and IF 🥓🍳🥬🥑\n4 million YouTube Subscribers Verified
Dr. Ardis|The Dr Ardis Show | Dr.Eric Berg 2,225 Followers I am Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC. I have a passion for inspiring, encouraging, educating and extending hope to people all over the world in the way of health, wellness and vibrant living!!!
Dr. Eric Berg DC 16 Followers Dr. Eric Berg DC, age 59, discusses the truth about getting healthy and losing weight. Dr. Berg specializes in Healthy Ketosis and Intermittent Fasting. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals, and a best-selling amazon.com author.