Awaken Bible Prophecy


This channel adheres to a pre-Tribulation Rapture perspective given the overwhelming Scriptural evidence for that position. We believe in the soon return of Jesus Christ for His church - the Bride of Christ - in which He will come on the clouds to snatch true believers away from the earth. Following that momentous event, the Lord will begin exercising judgment upon this unbelieving world by pouring out His wrath and punishment in the Tribulation. During that time, the remnant of Israel will be saved and many in the world will come to know Jesus, yet be martyred for their faith.

SoniaAzam7 - End Times Bible Prophecy Study and News Updates


Bible prophecy IS IMPORTANT, please stay watchful and prayerful. While the cup of wickedness overflows the Church continues to suffer extreme and severe persecution. PRAY FOR THEM! We are witnessing a world growing darker day by day. As people of God, our light needs to shine brighter. Although the world despises us, they will need us before the Return of the Lord. Read the Word of God for yourself regularly so as to not be spoonfed by anyone. We are responsible for our own salvation, which must be worked out with fear and trembling. If you’re considering becoming a regular monthly supporter to help me put bread on the table, here is my PayPal and/or Zelle link 🟢 Donation: PayPal Link: 🟢 ZELLE (USA Only): Free transfers. You can use my email to send a donation directly to me without being charged a fee. Just make sure to leave your full name, email and a short message when sending so I can acknowledge. My email IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER 🙏🏼**THIS IS A TEACHING MINISTRY DIRECTED TOWARDS CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF ALL AGES AND BACKGROUNDS. WHILE ANYONE IRRESPECTIVE OF GENDER IS WELCOME TO WATCH & LISTEN, SONIA AZAM7 DOES NOT WISH TO CREATE THE WRONG IMPRESSION THAT SHE IS USURPING THE TEACHING AUTHORITY OF GOD'S WORD OVER SAVED CHRISTIAN MEN. ANY EVANGELISTIC CONTENT HOWEVER, IS DIRECTED TOWARD ALL WHO DO NOT YET KNOW JESUS BY SECOND BIRTH - IRRESPECTIVE OF GENDER**🙏🏼 **This channel and I do not claim any right over any of the graphics, images, or songs used in this video. All rights reserved to the respective copyright owners. All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel do not claim any right over them. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing** Section 107 of the Copyright Act

New World Order-Middle East Updates-Bible Prophecies-Jesus Christ


7GTV is a Channel that came from Youtube. Due to censorship from his opinions on today\\\\\\\'s topics, He made the choice to come to Rumble. 7vnseal aka Robert Loves sharing his thoughts as a believer in Jesus Christ on the following topics: Bible Prophecies, Jesus the Christ, Global World Agendas, New World Order Agendas and on the side for fun, he does product reviews. This channel was successful and growing on Youtube, until key topics were being censored and videos deleted. We hope you can stop by and support 7vnseal as he continues to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and current events in the Middle East. Also, if you would like to support directly visit our Apparel from T-Shirts, Coffee Mugs and more. All Designs are original and produced by 7GTV. Copy and Paste:

Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian


Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian Timothy Campbell Watchman of the End Times (Martyrdom777), Through God's word I will bring you fact from the Bible of the end times Prophecy of the Gog and Magog war/s, the Destruction of Damascus Syria, Harpazo - the Rapture, Tribulation, 3rd Temple, the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, the Two Witnesses, the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, the Millennium, Armageddon, the Lake of Fire, Deep State, I been a Christian since 1981, however, I been walking a righteous path since June 4th. 2011, I been studying the Bible since 1994, I have been a Biblical Bible Prophecy Theologian of the End Times for 27 year, I am a real Christian Overcomer that walks a narrow path of righteousness that - Repents - Repentance - Repenting - Repented of my sins of Iniquity this is of Godliness of Holiness which is Righteousness - this is no ABC of Salvation - you need to Repent by getting down on your knees and audibly sincere from deep within from your heart soul out audibly in front of a witness/s to confess that you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and that you believe he Jesus the Christ dead for your / ours sins and was buried arose in three days and ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father then you beg Jesus God and the Holy Spirit to forgive you of Repentance for your iniquity of sins Yesterday in the Past and Today in the Present and for all unseen sins and even the sins in your dream that you have no control over them, (I'm not of this once saved always saved theology doctrine) you can still lose your salvation. May God bless you all, God Bless

End Times Prophecy and Bible Studies


The Cry of the Watchman is a live streaming/pre-recorded end times ministry with its goal to assist the church of Jesus Christ to share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and to denounce the rising of the false prophet and the antichrist (Mathew 28:19,20). The Cry of the Watchman uses the Holy Scriptures in the Bible to explain the world events that are in fact fulfilling Bible prophecy, and points to Jesus Christ as the only Savior, Christ, and true Messiah (John 3:16, 17:3, 17). The House of Truth Christian Ministries has used The Cry of the Watchman to answer complex biblical questions and uses the authority of the Holy Bible as the FINAL authority for prophecy, doctrine, and Christian living in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 16,17).

Luke 21 - Catholic Bible Prophecy


Welcome to Luke 21! Join us as we study bible prophecy from a Catholic perspective. Luke 21’s host Steve Wood, has studied biblical prophecy for five decades. During his years as an Evangelical teacher and pastor, he made a long pilgrimage through all major schools of prophecy before finally adopting St. Augustine’s views. With his background, Steve knows each of the major non-Catholic interpretations of biblical prophecy well and can provide our listeners with an insider’s viewpoint. Subscribe now to dive deep into Catholic prophecy and the end times. Tune in each Thursday for a new episode! Video episodes for Luke 21 begin at Episode 400. Previous episodes can be found on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and PodBean.

Bible Prophecy and World Events


Bible Prophecy & World Events w/AMI (AMIJ) A Soldier for Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach). - My calling: To be a Watchman of God, for the benefit of the Body of Christ and for His glory. - My lifetime trade/skills: Music composer, singer, drummer, writer. - My musical gifts are ONLY used for my Lord Yeshua now!! *Album on iTunes Title "Peace in Chaos" I released it in 2011 - Testimony: The Lord called my life while recording my album. I came out of the world & the music business. He transformed my mind, my heart, & my life. It's never been the same since & I praise God for that.- It started with repentance & submission, & He prepared me, gave me gifts of the Spirit in the process, trained me up in His Word, to minister to the Body of Christ, for His Glory. To prophesy. As the scriptures say, the Testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. - I pray the Lord Jesus comes quickly

Endtimes Watchmen Christian Bible Prophecy


The Endtimes Watchmen are a group of Spirit-led, Bible believing disciples of Jesus Christ who believe that we are living in the final brief moments before Jesus returns. The birth pangs are increasing, the trumpets are starting to sound, the horsemen are being released and the return of Jesus is imminent. In these days of tribulation, we aim to support, pray for, encourage and keep on the narrow path all those who are truly awake, staying alert, and watching out for our coming King.