Dr Buttar - Weekly Livestream Replay


Dr. Buttar's weekly livestream replays, edited and condensed for ease of accessing the information. This is one of 3 sub channels, along with the main channel. Look at the other channels and consider subscribing to them all. Dr B's Main Channel - https://rumble.com/user/DrButtar Dr B's Weekly Livestream Playbacks - https://rumble.com/c/DrBWeekly/ Dr B's Critical Concepts - https://rumble.com/c/DrBCriticalConcepts Dr B's Question and Answers - https://rumble.com/c/DrBQandA/

Dr Buttar - Weekly Q&A


Dr. Buttar answers listener's questions from his followers on ClubHouse at the end of every livestream board case.. are often misunderstood or overlooked. This is one of 3 sub channels + the main channel. Look at the other channels and consider subscribing to them all. Dr B's Main Channel - https://rumble.com/user/DrButtar Dr B's Weekly Livestream Playbacks - https://rumble.com/c/DrBWeekly/ Dr B's Critical Concepts - https://rumble.com/c/DrBCriticalConcepts Dr B's Question and Answers - https://rumble.com/c/DrBQandA/

Videowaarheid weekoverzicht


**Onze missie** De stichting zet zich in om zo spoedig mogelijk de rechtsstaat te herstellen en terug te keren naar een democratische samenleving waarin iedere Nederlander ongehinderd van zijn/haar grondrechten gebruik kan maken, waarin de scheiding der staatsmachten hersteld is, media weer wederhoor toepassen en onderzoek gedaan kan worden naar de oorzaken van de autoritaire machtsgreep van het openbaar bestuur. Viruswaarheid zal zich daarna blijven inzetten voor het behouden, bevorderen en beschermen van de Nederlandse rechtsstaat. De activiteiten van Viruswaarheid richten zich op iedere Nederlander, om deze te voorzien van feitelijke informatie over de situatie van de rechtsstaat. Viruswaarheid handelt vanuit de overtuiging dat elk individu in de Nederlandse rechtsstaat recht heeft op vrijheid en uitoefening van zijn of haar grondrechten, zoals die voor elke burger in Nederland geldt. **Onze visie** Niemand kan ontkennen dat de samenleving voortdurend verandert ten gevolge van de ontwikkelingen die zich in een steeds hoger tempo afspelen. De impact die deze verregaande ontwikkelingen op het leven van het individu heeft, is vooraf niet te overzien. Deze ontwikkelingen kunnen een bedreiging vormen voor de democratische rechtsstaat. De almachtige 1-overheidsgedachte is een voorbeeld van een bedreigende ontwikkeling waarbij de scheiding der staatsmachten op onaanvaardbare wijze is aangetast zodat een weerloze burger zich ontdaan weet van elke bescherming en alleen staat tegenover een gecentraliseerde macht. Andere voorbeelden zijn: Toeslagenschandaal, aardbevingsslachtoffers in Groningen, de strijd tegen ondermijnende criminaliteit, stille onteigening van de Nederlandse boer en de stikstofaffaire.

Weekly Market Report


StickyTrades.com is a groundbreaking website and training system that brings together the industry's finest educators and coaches across various trading and financial sectors. As part of its evolution, StickyTrades.com has integrated the majority of the leading trading platforms, including its own proprietary system, resulting in the creation of one of the most robust and advanced trading systems on the market. By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, our expert coaches, technical systems, and signals, we have developed a comprehensive solution for our clients. Now with the ability to automate trades, you won't miss out on any opportunities and can effectively mitigate potential losses. Our platform is designed to be intuitive, user-friendly, and equipped with a wide array of powerful tools to support your trading endeavors!

Buffoon of the Week! Verified


Welcome to Buffoon of the Week! Each week, we scour weekly news and current events in search of politicos, journos, personalities, celebrities, pseudo-celebrities and more to find the dimmest and dumbest acts in national politics. Our expert "buffoonologists" then analyze these personalities and their behavior using our cutting edge "Sharpton Scale of Buffoonery™" and present them for your disapproval, derision and hilarious ridicule. Then, YOU get to vote weekly and tell us #WHOYAGOT as the biggest Buffoon of the Week.

The Weekly Wrap with Johnny U Verified


Breaking down the week’s biggest stories in politics and national security Host John Ullyot Former National Security Council spokesman Deputy Assistant to the President, The White House Trump 2016 campaign Senior Advisor US Marine Corps veteran About John Ullyot: Mr. Ullyot is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and has over 25 years of global experience in strategic counsel on national security and political strategy in the public and private sectors. National security counselor Mr. Ullyot has served as a senior adviser on national security, foreign policy and military affairs at the highest levels of government over the last 25 years, both in the White House and the U.S. Senate. He was chief spokesman for the National Security Council and Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, as well as a senior staff member and director of communications for the U.S. Senate Committees on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs. A former intelligence officer and scout sniper platoon commander in the U.S. Marine Corps, Mr. Ullyot served on the U.S.-Mexico border supporting the U.S. Border Patrol with Joint Task Force-6, and in jungle warfare training with the French Foreign Legion in South America. He is a columnist and frequent analyst/contributor on national security issues, including conflicts in the Middle East/Israel/Iran, Russia/Ukraine, Great Power Competition with China, and illegal immigration/border security. Republican strategist Mr. Ullyot is a leading Republican strategist and political consultant with service spanning three decades in senior roles on campaigns for president and the U.S. Senate. He was a Trump 2016 campaign senior advisor, and held top staff positions at Republican National Conventions, as well as on U.S. Senate races and the presidential transition team. He provides regular commentary in national media on political races and debates over societal and cultural issues such as crime, identity politics and maintaining high standards in the U.S. military. A former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Mr. Ullyot is a graduate of Harvard College and the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute in Moscow, and speaks business-level French, German and Russian.