Break Ups,Your Psyche, OCD & You


To heal, it is invaluable to have detail knowledge of how we are put together before we expect favourable results when trying to fix it! We Discuss the matters of life including topics such as how better relate to our exes, how to move on after a bad breakup, how to feel better after breakups, philosophy of viewing life, anger, love, meditation, positive thinking, understanding the relationship between our mind and body and between the energy of the universe and our energy, will power... We will discuss consciousness, how thoughts and thinking come to be, fear, desire, anxiety, and life in present moment versus the past or the illusive future, their differences, common grounds, bases and illusory perceptions versus the actuality of the present moments, other interesting topics, discussions such as OCD, subsets of OCD (HOCD), topics helpful in facing/ handling / managing the day to day challenges, worthy of pondering. Mehran Dadbeh#Breakup #Brain #intrusive #Breakup #thoughts #OCD#HOCD#repetetivethoughts#rewieringBrain#neuroplasticity#brainlock#4steps#drschwartz#phillipson#psychology

Facts | Relationship Advice | Wisdom Psych tips, Fun facts & Advice - Made To Enlighten Your Feed One Post At A Time 💖


Welcome to my channel. I shares psych tips, fun facts, and relationship advice to enlighten your day! You will find short videos packed with fascinating psychology facts, useful dating and relationship tips, and words of wisdom to help you live your best life. Whether you're looking to better understand human behavior, strengthen your relationships, or simply be entertained, you've come to the right place. Videos are released consistently, so be sure to subscribe so you never miss an upload. From fun psychology experiments to communication techniques - consider this your dose of knowledge and inspiration. Leave a comment to let me know what kinds of tips and facts you'd like to see next!

Psychosomatik Experte


Psychosomatik EXPERTE / Therapeut M. Prgomet: Psychotherapie - Hilfe bei Angst / Ängsten, Panikattacken, Depressionen, Zwängen, Psychosomatischen störungen aller Art,... Psychologie Doku - Behandlungsdauer: In der Regel 3 Sitzungen (Hauptpraxis in Frankfurt am Main) mit jeweils einer ca 5 wöchigen nachfolgenden individuellen Behandlungsphase / Eigentherapiephase, die der Patient bei sich zu hause anwendet, die in den den Sitzungen ausgearbeitet wurde. Michael Prgomet behandelt Patienten aus dem gesammten deutschsprachigen Raum. Die besten Ausschnitte aus der Fernsehtalkshow von Michael Prgomet. Top Experten im Gespräch Michael Prgomet ist der Experte für Psychosomatik. Er hilft Menschen, ihre Angst, Sucht, Panikattacke, Depression, Trauma, Stress, und auch Burnout zu bewältigen, dabei alte Verhaltensmuster zu erkennen und abzulegen, damit sie wieder mehr Zeit für sich selbst und ihre Familie haben und die Dinge erneut genießen können, die ihnen wichtig sind und waren. Wege zum Erfolg - Fernsehtalkshow mit tollen Gästen *Top Szenen* (Psychologie doku) ► Naturheilpraxis Michael Prgomet Experte für: Psychosomatik / Persönlichkeitsentwicklung / Panikattacken / Depressionen / Schmerzen / Zwänge / etc.. 63329 Egelsbach, Erich-Kästnerstrasse 72 Mo-Mi Tel.Nr.: 0049 (0) 6103 9884293, Do-Fr. Tel.Nr.: 0049 (0) 6753 9009090, Mobiltel.: 0049 (0) 152 53 71 44 84 ► Homepage: ► Eigentherapie / Selbsthilfe Lehrvideo: eigentherapie.htm ► Kontaktmöglichkeiten: ► Impressum: naturheilpraxis prgomet-a.htm ► Disclaimer: naturheilpraxis prgomet.htm ► Datenschutz: naturheilpraxis prgomet-a.htm

Psych Nibble


Introducing Psych Nibble – Your Gateway to Mind-Bending Entertainment! 🧠🎉 Dive into a world of cognitive thrillers, brain-bending quizzes, and psychological adventures that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to unravel mysteries, test your wits, and embark on a journey into the depths of the human mind. Psych Nibble is your go-to destination for a dose of fun, excitement, and intrigue. From mind-boggling riddles to interactive games that challenge your perceptions, we're here to keep you engaged and entertained. Join our community of curious minds as we explore the fascinating realm of psychology with a twist of excitement. Subscribe now and unleash the power of your mind with Psych Nibble. Get ready to nibble on the most captivating psychological treats – it's entertainment like you've never experienced before! Stay curious, stay entertained, stay psyched! 🔗 Subscribe now: [Link] #PsychNibble #MindGames #EntertainmentUnleashed



Welcome to The Arting Psycho_logist, where art meets psychology to unravel the intricate connections between the human mind and creative expression. Our channel is a captivating journey into the realms of psychology and is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the mind, one brushstroke at a time. Are you curious about the therapeutic power of art?...Yearning to dive into the depths of human emotions and discover innovative ways to heal and grow? Look no further! Our channel is your safe haven, offering a delightful blend of art therapy, psychological analysis, creative inspiration and the profound impact of art on mental well-being.