Cosmologia Biblica


Seja bem vindo à Cosmologia Bíblica. Neste canal você terá uma nova experiência com as escrituras sagradas. Uma interpretação bíblica à luz da real cosmovisão do nosso plano terrestre. Te convido a contemplar a palavra do criador dos céus e da terra dando mais credibilidade aos escritos deixados através de muito sacrifício. Adorar único e exclusivamente à YHWH o Deus criador que enviou seu único filho Cristo o Messias para resgatar a humanidade da condenação eterna. Ednardo Sabino



Is your injured body preventing you from weightlifting, running, Crossfit, yoga, general fitness, deadlifting, squatting, or being with your personal trainer? You are in the right place! Dr. Sebastian and Dr. Dawne are "locally world-famous chiropractors" in Costa Mesa, Orange County CA. Not really but really! :) On this channel, you can expect only the most effective strength exercises, stretches, corrective exercises, and rehabilitation methods on Youtube. Our topics of interest range from lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, hip flexor syndrome, groin pain, hip impingement, SI Joint sprains, muscle spasms, shoulder blade ache, neck pain, and much more. If you have an ache, pain, spasm, shooting, stabbing, throbbing, or numbness in your low back, hip, shoulder, neck, spine, thigh, knee, foot, or ankle we have some great home exercises and self-tests. We are located in Costa Mesa CA. Search "chiropractors near me" in the cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa.

KJVSensei gives insights on Biblical topics to help others on their journey to knowledge of the Truth of God


Welcome to my channel. This is here to help people become believers, believers become Christians, and Christians to grow in knowledge and encouragement unto the Lord Jesus Christ. I am just a Christian man in his mid 30s helping out others on this journey. I am no better than anyone and go through life myself and I also don't claim to know everything, but I do believe I have valuable Biblical insights that will be helpful to others as long as they align with the Word of God which for English speakers is the KJV Bible. I consider myself a big brother figure and I like to help people surpass me so that's what I'm here for. As a side note, conversation is welcome but I will not engage in debate if it will clearly go nowhere. God Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.