Edgar Cruz Ministries


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Welcome to Wisdom and Knowledge 5, the podcast that dives deep into the currents of change orchestrated by global powers such as the World Economic Forum and other influential entities. Why the "5," you ask? Well, it's not just a number; it's a symbol of the fifth dimension we aim to explore—the dimension of truth, awareness, and enlightenment. In a world where the narratives are crafted by the few for the many, we're here to dismantle the status quo. Join us on a journey that transcends the ordinary as we unpack the intricacies of the global stage. This isn't just another podcast; it's a rebellion of information, a sanctuary of enlightenment, and a crusade for the collective consciousness. Our mission is clear: to take a stand for humanity. Each episode is a battle cry against the forces that shape our reality, featuring guests who have navigated the frontlines of change. Brace yourself for eye-opening conversations that cut through the noise and get to the heart of the matter. We delve into the most pressing issues of our time, providing you with a front-row seat to the information that truly matters. From the latest geopolitical shifts to societal transformations, we leave no stone unturned. Expect thought-provoking discussions, jaw-dropping revelations, and a relentless pursuit of the truth. This isn't just a podcast; it's a call to action. It's an exploration of the hidden, the controversial, and the transformative. Wisdom and Knowledge 5 is your passport to a realm where ignorance has no sanctuary, and where the power lies in the hands of those who seek the truth. Get ready to question, to challenge, and to awaken. Welcome to the Wisdom and Knowledge 5 Podcast, where enlightenment is not just an option—it's a necessity.

Amazing Knowledge & Info


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