Pets Funny Dogs


Welcome to Funny Pets Videos, a channel dedicated to cute, fluffy cats and curious, rambunctious dogs. We are here to fill your life with more furry and funny things the adorable friends in our lives do. Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday we'll have a new compilation of the funniest home videos of cats, dogs, birds and all kids of animals being equally hilarious and adorable. Be sure the Subscribe to our channel to never miss one! So sit back, relax and have a laugh on us. We'd love to have your furry friend on our channel! Have a cute or hilarious video of your pet or a funny animal home video? Click below to submit and check back every week to see if it made it into the compilation.



Arriving some 32 years after Garry Hughes (DJ Uzi) and Adem Jaffers (VJ Tekno Mandala) had jammed together for the first time at Le Rox Nite Club (S.A) in 1991. They are returning to do this one-off retro a/v live-stream mix. Featuring sounds and vision from the past, revamped for the contemporary age. DJ Uzi will stream a/v live from his studio in San Francisco, where a/v feed is received by Tekno Mandala in Melbourne studio for re-stream here. As an added special retro appearance, long-time Cyberthon collaborator Till Gangemi (Don’t Shoot the Messenger) will also be live in the Melbourne studio with Tekno Mandala for a 2-way fusion retro mix in glorious PAL SD ratio. With enough ceremonial incense, mantras and permission from the Tekno Deities, R3TROGR4D3 should be a time-warped blast from the past. Hosted by Cyberthon TV More on the a/v purveyors: DJ UZI TEKNO MANDALA DSTM The original 1991 Le Rox a/v mix is also available to view here > It has had the highest hits of all videos since THUMP was released!

my channel always upload cute dog and related video


#sunflower#Meg Nem Nevetni | Vicces Macska Videók #4 | Legviccesebb Állatok 2022 Videó Állatok Vicces 2022, Videók háziállatokról, vicces kutyákról, vicces háziállatokról, vicces macskákról, Macskavideók Üdvözöljük csatornánkon, ahol megtalálhatod a világ legjobb és legviccesebb macskavideóit. Jó szórakozást kívánunk tartalmaink nézegetéséhez. Minden nap új epizódok jelennek meg. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►►►►►►►►► KÖSZÖNÖM, HOGY MEGTEKINTE! ◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄◄ #petland #macskák #kutyák #cicák #viccesmacskák #viccesvideó #vicceskisállatok #dog#cat#dogs #beautiful #cute #cat

Five Finger Introduction With Jack Bosma


Five Finger Introduction With Jack Bosma Introductions are indeed important in a variety of social and professional contexts. They serve as the initial point of contact between individuals, helping to establish a foundation for further communication and interactions. Here are a few reasons why introductions are important: Creating a Positive First Impression: Introductions are often the first opportunity to make a positive impression on someone. A confident and courteous introduction can set the tone for a pleasant and productive interaction. Establishing Rapport: Introductions provide an opportunity to establish a sense of familiarity and rapport with others. This can help to build trust and mutual understanding. Clarifying Roles and Relationships: In professional settings, introductions can clarify the roles and relationships between individuals, helping to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. Facilitating Networking: Introductions are essential for networking. They can connect people with shared interests, goals, or expertise, potentially leading to valuable connections and opportunities. Politeness and Respect: Proper introductions are a sign of respect and politeness. Failing to introduce oneself or others can be perceived as rude or indifferent. Navigating Social Situations: In social situations, introductions can help individuals navigate complex social dynamics by providing context and information about the people involved. Promoting Inclusivity: Introductions can help create an inclusive and welcoming environment. When someone takes the initiative to introduce others, it can make everyone feel more at ease. Remember that the way you introduce yourself or others can vary based on the cultural norms and the specific context of the situation. Whether it's a formal introduction at a business meeting or a casual one at a social event, taking the time to make a good introduction is a valuable social skill to possess. Let's collaborate! Thanks, Jack Bosma "Inspect what you expect."