Gui Games é o Canal de Guilherme Ettiene dedicado a jogos eletrônicos em diversas plataformas, inicialmente o canal começou com Games em celular, mas futuramente serão postados jogos em PC, compartilhando momentos dos jogos, dicas e ideias a respeitos dos Games ou Jogos Eletrônicos. É um prazer jogar para se divertir e interagir com você que também compartilha do Entusiamos deste Universo. Seja Bem Vindo! Se inscreva no Canal, comente e deixe sua opinião, Agradeço a sua participação.

Beans & Dice Gaming Podcast


Beans and Dice is a tabletop gaming podcast and video channel focused on board games. The Beans and Dice team approach board games from every angle, including but not limited to: playthroughs, discussions, unboxing, podcasting, previews, and live playthrough sessions. Don\\\\\\\'t forget to subscribe and click the bell to receive notifications when Beans and Dice releases new content. If you enjoy our content, please click that "thumbs up" and give us a like, it helps get our videos higher in the search rankings. We always welcome comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism. The Beans and Dice team is based in the greater Tampa Bay area.

Game Guy Entertainment


Moving over from YouTube. Will be posting some old videos from the old content platform so you will be seeing some best of RaZoR videos coming in the next few days or weeks. New content will be coming soon (after Easter). I took a hiatus on video gaming for lent but I will be back both live and with new created content. Thanks for all your support during this transitional phase. I know you will enjoy my content as you can watch the progression of the quality of my videos. There are a lot of COD and Apex Legends videos but I will be branching out into other games as I get back into things after the holiest of holy holidays. Thanks and I love you all!

We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos Daily upload android gameplay videos.


We are very glad that you come to our channel Gaming aadii , watch the gaming videos and subscribe! We become friends! Thank you for that! Here you can watch gaming videos. ............... Daily upload android gameplay videos. ............... Our videos are always of the best quality. ............... Show your love for us and watch the video and enjoy the best time on our channel.

Double Set Gaming


I like to think of myself as a skater even though I haven’t skated in a few years, this is why I love playing skate games, hence calling my YouTube channel Double Set Gaming. When I’ve had a stressful day at work the best way I find to relax is by playing skate games, this is why I find it easy to make montage videos from the hours of footage I can create when trying to relax. There is something about skate footage, whether it is real life or gaming, that helps me to relax. This is why I have created Double Set Gaming, somewhere I can post my own gaming montage videos in the hopes that it will help others relax. If you would like to support Double Set Gaming you can do so by heading on over to Buy Me a Coffee, link above. If you can’t afford to buy me a coffee then a subscribe and a few likes and comments on my videos would be greatly appreciated support, because it would be nice to own a silver play button one day. Thank you for your time, keep skating!

GameSprout Verified


GameSprout was created by two schoolmates back in 2008 (previously PS3Comedy). We recorded gameplay commentaries and montages of Call of Duty and Halo. Gaining 1000 subscribers felt like a huge milestone in the early days of YouTube. It wasn’t until later in 2011 when we decided to put together compilations of submitted clips, due to the demand of people wanting to promote their own videos. ‍GameSprout welcomes any video game, any platform. You’ll be credited for every clip submitted and a link of your choice. GameSprout gives the opportunity to showcase your clip(s) to a wider audience. ‍ Feel free to submit your video(s) to: