Photo & Video Books, Creator-Setup Online Courses


Online Video Optimization and Video Release Management are essential tasks in today’s media-driven world. Most kinds of business or project should use or are already using online texts, images, videos, or other media content — but what’s the right way to harness the power of these tools? How do you truly unleash the potential of these pictures, movies, shiny logos and more to actually improve and benefit your business? Photos, Video and Quality Content: Building Blocks of Marketing Success in Today’s Media-Driven World I am here to make these state-of-the-art tools working for you. A systems developer by trade, a seasoned photo and video producer, and an experienced online marketing specialist, I know how to achieve measurable results. My experience covers businesses large and small and goes back to 1999 when I started as an e-commerce consultant out of my college room.

FREE videos on how to earn money online


Breshka is a Rumble Channel with FREE videos on how to earn money online. We post videos about different ways to make money online and how to work from anywhere in the world. Having more time and freedom to pursue your interests. Learn business ideas, trends, motivation, strategies, advice, and tips, among other things, to help you succeed on your journey! EARNING DISCLAIMER: This channel if for educational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas mentioned on this channel. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed on this channel will be dependent on your work ethic, experience, and knowledge. You should always do your own research before making any investments. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information on our free videos is accurate, but we cannot represent the website(s) mentioned in these videos are free from errors. Subscribe to our channel for FREE content