Videowaarheid weekoverzicht


**Onze missie** De stichting zet zich in om zo spoedig mogelijk de rechtsstaat te herstellen en terug te keren naar een democratische samenleving waarin iedere Nederlander ongehinderd van zijn/haar grondrechten gebruik kan maken, waarin de scheiding der staatsmachten hersteld is, media weer wederhoor toepassen en onderzoek gedaan kan worden naar de oorzaken van de autoritaire machtsgreep van het openbaar bestuur. Viruswaarheid zal zich daarna blijven inzetten voor het behouden, bevorderen en beschermen van de Nederlandse rechtsstaat. De activiteiten van Viruswaarheid richten zich op iedere Nederlander, om deze te voorzien van feitelijke informatie over de situatie van de rechtsstaat. Viruswaarheid handelt vanuit de overtuiging dat elk individu in de Nederlandse rechtsstaat recht heeft op vrijheid en uitoefening van zijn of haar grondrechten, zoals die voor elke burger in Nederland geldt. **Onze visie** Niemand kan ontkennen dat de samenleving voortdurend verandert ten gevolge van de ontwikkelingen die zich in een steeds hoger tempo afspelen. De impact die deze verregaande ontwikkelingen op het leven van het individu heeft, is vooraf niet te overzien. Deze ontwikkelingen kunnen een bedreiging vormen voor de democratische rechtsstaat. De almachtige 1-overheidsgedachte is een voorbeeld van een bedreigende ontwikkeling waarbij de scheiding der staatsmachten op onaanvaardbare wijze is aangetast zodat een weerloze burger zich ontdaan weet van elke bescherming en alleen staat tegenover een gecentraliseerde macht. Andere voorbeelden zijn: Toeslagenschandaal, aardbevingsslachtoffers in Groningen, de strijd tegen ondermijnende criminaliteit, stille onteigening van de Nederlandse boer en de stikstofaffaire.

Peace and Relaxation Videos


Welcome to Peace and Relaxation Videos, your serene place for soothing videos that calm and relax you. Listening to relaxation music and meditation videos can be highly beneficial for several reasons: 1. **Stress Reduction**: Both relaxation music and meditation videos are designed to promote calmness and reduce stress. They typically feature soothing melodies, nature sounds, or rhythmic patterns that help induce relaxation. This can lead to lower levels of stress hormones like cortisol and help alleviate physical tension. 2. **Mental Clarity**: Engaging with meditation videos can guide you through mindfulness exercises or visualizations that promote mental clarity and focus. This can enhance cognitive function, improve decision-making abilities, and reduce mental clutter. 3. **Emotional Regulation**: Listening to calming music or guided meditations can help regulate emotions by providing a peaceful and harmonious auditory environment. This can be particularly helpful in managing anxiety, depression, or mood swings. 4. **Improved Sleep Quality**: Many relaxation music tracks are designed to aid sleep by slowing down heart rate and relaxing muscles. Meditation videos often include relaxation techniques that prepare the mind and body for restful sleep, leading to improved sleep quality and duration. 5. **Physical Benefits**: Relaxation music and meditation are linked to physical health benefits such as lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and reduced chronic pain. The relaxation response triggered by these practices can promote overall well-being. 6. **Enhanced Self-Awareness**: Meditation videos often include introspective exercises that promote self-awareness and self-reflection. This can lead to a deeper understanding of one's emotions, behaviors, and thought patterns. 7. **Mind-Body Connection**: Engaging with meditation videos encourages a connection between the mind and body. This heightened awareness can lead to better body awareness, improved posture, and a greater sense of bodily relaxation. 8. **Coping Mechanism**: Relaxation music and meditation videos serve as effective coping mechanisms for managing daily challenges, stressful situations, or unexpected events. They provide tools for relaxation that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. In summary, listening to relaxation music and engaging with meditation videos can have profound effects on both mental and physical health, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. Integrating these practices into daily life can contribute to a more balanced and resilient mind-body connection.

Fr. Hesse Audio & Video


This channel contains all audio and video of Fr. Gregory Hesse in known existence to date. All audio has been remastered. This channel offers the most complete and highest quality Fr. Hesse audio and video options possible. You can also download all these remastered Fr. Hesse audio files at here: Fr. Gregory Hesse, S.T.D., J.C.D., S.T.L., J.C.L., Canon Lawyer, Doctor of Thomistic Theology, lifelong friend and personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986-1988 has provided us with many talks and conferences where he gives a no-nonsense, intelligent, learned, and witty exposition and explanation of relevant topics facing contemporary faithful Catholics. Fr. Hesse got to know approximately 45 cardinals while studying and working in Rome for 15 years and he has an uncanny and substantial knowledge of many things. You would be hard-pressed to find another theologian quite like him. Canon Hesse was related to the Hapsburg royal bloodline. He was born in Vienna in 1952, ordained by Cardinal Marella in St. Peter's Basilica on November 21, 1981, and earned doctorates in Canon Law and Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. He worked as a personal secretary of Cardinal Stickler at the Vatican from 1986 to 1988. He passed away on January 25, 2006. You would be hard-pressed to find another theologian quite like him. A breath of fresh air in today’s widespread climate of many weak, ignorant, and naive clerics and theologians, he was affectionately called by several of his friends during his life “the bull in the china shop.” His example, testimony, and insights no doubt played and will play an important role in Catholic thought and development. Listen to find out why.