Quinn Keon


A place for me to share some guitar and music stuff. The Live Show: “There were numerous bands that played in the hours before Winger took stage, but it was Quinn's guitar playing that gave his band the edge and really captured everyone's attention.” “The next act was Quinn Keon...a self proclaimed Nugent disciple and an absolute guitar master. Quinn has great stage presence and assaults your senses with a constant array of hard driving rock music! Speaking as a guitarist myself, watching Quinn play was like getting a free (well, $7 at the door would have been a bargain at twice the price) guitar lesson.” "Quinn called his music style 'attitude rock', and boy...he wasn't lying. Quinn Keon is the band to see in the near future at Rubbles." “Top performances that I saw...Quinn burned the house down, STF raised it back up.” The Last CD: This cd rocks! Old school Ted Nugent style guitar playing with down to earth vocals. No gimmick hard rock. Heads down and party on! - Reviewer: fisherman The songs sound like they should be performed in arenas..."Becky" hints at his capability to create something a bit fresh and different. - Matt Shimmer, Indieville.com I like the guitar sound...They play balls to the wall rock n roll and I liked the disc. - MetalCore Fanzine We were then greeted with aggressive metal riffs, but Lemmy-like caterwauling...we're fairly sure there's a great deal of ass-shaking happening at the live show. From what we can see, Quinn's got a nice torso under that shirt and that's always good for some female swooning. - Kimmie & Cristy, Score! Music Magazine

Frequenzen für Deine Gesundheit


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stay informed on 5G, EMF radiation, and frequency technology for a safeguarded and healthier lifestyle with the latest facts and updates.


keeping you informed about the latest facts and updates on 5G, EMF radiation, and frequency technology. Stay tuned for insightful content that empowers you to lead a protected and healthier life. Join us on this journey of knowledge as we explore the intersections of technology and well-being, providing valuable insights to help you make informed decisions for a safer and more balanced lifestyle. Subscribe now for a deeper understanding of 5G and EMF, and let's navigate the world of emerging technologies together!



Welcome to Soothing Meditation And Healing Frequency. ​This channel is exclusively made for Relaxing, Calming, Healing & Meditation Music. In this Channel, you will find Relaxation Music, Calming Music, Soothing Music, Meditation Music, Soft Music, Peaceful Music, Binaural Beats, Solfeggio Frequency, Sleep Music, Study Music, Zen Music, Nature Sounds, Ambient Music, Stress Relief Music, Chakra Music, Healing Music, etc. We can assure you all our music is specifically made for you to attain tranquility. Taking a break from every day is a must for your body and mind and what’s better than listening to soothing music to help relax your soul. Our Healing Music will help you release all the negative energy and fatigue, as well as bring positive energy and inner peace. In our channel, we provide you with the perfect groove to calm your body and soul with our Relaxing, Calming, Healing and Meditation Music.

Beyond the Frequency 369


Dive deep into the mysteries of ancient civilizations, hidden knowledge, and the untapped potential of the conscious mind. Join us as we explore topics like Egyptian history, the enigmatic Anunnaki, parallel worlds, UFOs, and the power of inner transformation. Each episode brings engaging conversations and thought-provoking insights, featuring fascinating guests who share unique experiences and expertise in unlocking the secrets of the universe. If you're curious about the unknown, passionate about uncovering the truth, or eager to go beyond conventional thinking, you've found your community.

Ai Generate


This stunning artwork, titled "Beauty Queen," captures the intricate beauty of a woman through the unique perspective of AI technology. The use of bold, vibrant colors and detailed geometric shapes creates a striking portrayal of femininity and elegance. The interplay of light and shadow creates an intriguing depth and texture to the piece, giving it a sense of movement and life. Overall, this artwork is a testament to the power of artificial intelligence as a tool for creative expression and the unlimited potential of technology in the world of art.

Historinhas bíblicas, Bonecos que tornam muito mais divertido o aprendizado da Bíblia, atividade e louvor para ministério infantil


Seja bem vindo ao canal Sementinhas de Jesus, um canal criado com muito amor ao ministério infantil, para ensinar a palavra de Deus aos pequeninos! Estamos muito felizes em tê-lo aqui no nosso canal! Esperamos que goste do nosso conteúdo e compartilhe! "Ensina a criança no caminho em que deve andar; e até quando envelhecer não se desviará dele". Provérbios 22:6