The latest videos in the field of Ornamental Birds 🦜


@WorldBirds9 🐦 Hope you like the Video, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos 💞🎦 #world_of_Ornamental_Birds 🦜 #Monde_des_Oiseaux_d'ornement 🐦 📶 The latest videos in the field of Ornamental Birds 🎥 📼 🆕 🐦 Les plus récentes vidéos dans le domaine des Oiseaux d'Ornement _ Do not forget to like and subscribe to the channel to receive all new 👋 The location of the film is Tunisia 🇹🇳 🦜 FOLLOW ME 🐦 subscribe to my youtube channel ⏬⬇️⤵️ #WorldBirds9 🐦

The budgerigar (nicknamed budgie)


The budgerigar (nicknamed budgie) is a small parrot. It belongs to the tribe of the wide-tailed parrots (Platycercini). Budgerigars are often called parakeets, especially in American English. The term Parakeet refers to many types of small parrots with long flat tails. The budgerigar is found in the drier parts of Australia. It has lived there for over 5 million years.[1] It is commonly kept as a pet. Budgies are intelligent birds and can be taught to mimic human speech.