Women's Dream Analysis


Empowering Women Through Dream Analysis Book a free discovery call today with Megan Mary at womensdreamanalysis.com Megan is a dream analyst, intuitive, author and mystic. A member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, she holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Megan Mary founded Women's Dream Analysis to help other women harness the transformative power of their dreams. She believes the symbolic imagery in our dreams is a key, once unlocked we can tap into our own innate transformative power, evolve our consciousness and ultimately discover our life purpose. Join the Women's Dream Collective, a place to seek, share & support: realm.womensdreamanalysis.com/collective Listen to the Women's Dream Enlightenment podcast: dreamenlightenment.com Deep discussions, dream interpretation & spiritual stories of awakening. She lives with her rockstar drummer husband and their two highly treasured cats in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Manuela Micucci - Studio di Naturopatia


Sono una Naturopata, laureata nel 2013 alla scuola di Alta Formazione in Naturopatia "Rudy Lanza" di Bologna e iscritta all\'AIN - Associazione Italiana Naturopati. \n\nMi occupo di prevenzione attiva e pedagogia dell\'auto-guarigione. \n\nLa salute non è soltanto assenza di malattia ma molto di più! \n\nSiamo un insieme unico ed irripetibile di CORPO-MENTE-SPIRITO, pertanto, una sofferenza che si manifesta in uno di questi sistemi, in realtà li coinvolge tutti. E sono convinta del fatto che a qualunque livello si decida di agire, sia esso il corpo, la mente o lo spirito, si andrà a lavorare nell\'insieme. \n\nIl mio compito è quello di educare l\'individuo verso uno stile di vita più corretto possibile. \n\nPer raggiungere questi obiettivi, mi avvalgo di diversi metodi, del tutto naturali: dal riequilibrio alimentare, all\'utilizzo sia di rimedi floreali (fiori di Bach e Australiani) sia di integratori nutrizionali e fitoterapici, della riflessologia plantare e di alcuni massaggi olistici.

Manoj V. Coaching


Welcome to Manoj V. Coaching! - Your Path to Peak Performance! Are you an executive, entrepreneur, or business owner seeking to unlock your full potential and achieve unparalleled success? Look no further! 🚀 What to Expect from Manoj V. Coaching: 🔮 Hypnotherapy 🧠 NLP 🤯 Mindset Mastery 📈 Business Brilliance Join us on this incredible journey towards becoming the best version of yourself. It all starts right here at Manoj V. Coaching. Welcome aboard! 📌 Connect with Us: 📧 Email: manoj@manojvcoaching.com 🌐 Website: www.manojvcoaching.com 📱 Follow Us on Social Media: -- Fb - https://www.facebook.com/manojvcoaching/ -- Ig - https://www.instagram.com/manojvcoaching/ #Coaching #Hypnotherapy #NLP #Mindset #Success #Entrepreneurship #ExecutiveCoaching #BusinessOwners #PeakPerformance

Emmanuel Lutheran Church (Norcross, GA)


Emmanuel Lutheran is an evangelical, confessional, and liturgical church plant in Norcross, Georgia. We are part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Services are held every Saturday at 7:15 PM in the Norcross Community Center. Prior to the services, we have Topic and Discussion in Lillian Webb Park which begins at 6:00 PM. For details about how you can find and contact us please visit our website. Our Website: https://www.emmanuellutheran.net/