R&K Remarkable Horses

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Established in 1975 as RaeKen Arabians. Now R&K Remarkable Lil Miniature Horses and R&K Remarkable Horses. Photo sessions. Trail Riding. Lessens. Training. Boarding. Essential Hoof Care. Health Care. Breeding. Horsemanship. Showing. From Quarter horses, Arabians, Miniature Horses, Rocky Mountain Horses to kitties, dogs, chickens, pigs, and goats. Filled with a lot of LOVE, Care and Experience. Vistors Always Welcome by appointment. Come Hug a miniature horse. Come have a photo shot. Apprentice training available for essential hoof trimming and care.

Hilarious Horse and Animal Antics

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Enjoy new funniest and cutest compilation of the week about wild and domestic animals. Try not laugh funny animals\' life video. Dogs are awesome animals. Despite all their differences, they have much in common, too. And yet, there are dogs that resemble none of their kin in the whole world. And you can enjoy them in this video. Cats are surely the most popular pets and awesome animals nowadays. All their breeds differ by size, features, and color, temperament. But some cats in this video will actually surprise you!