Viktor DiValerio


Hej! / Ciao! / Oi ! Welcome to my channel! I am Viktor Valerio an "Extreme" sports enthusiast and a hardworker. I try a lot of diffrent things and i do FAIL a lot. I created this channel to share my "wisdom", my fails and hopefully my success. At the moment im located in Stockholm, Sweden trying to get better at Inline skating and start my own Business, Brand, Movement you name it. Benvenuto nel mio canale. Sono Viktor Valerio un appassionato di sport "estremo" e un gran lavoratore. Provo un sacco di cose diverse e FALLIMENTO molto. Ho creato questo canale per condividere la mia "saggezza", i miei fallimenti e, si spera, il mio successo. Al momento mi trovo a Stoccolma, in Svezia, cercando di migliorare nel pattinaggio in linea e di avviare la mia attività, il marchio, il movimento, come lo chiami.

Kickin It Van Voast Style


Discover the U.S.A. with Family! Let us take you on the Adventure with us as we RV to new and exciting places. Follow along with my Family to learn more of where your Family can go to enjoy this Great Country that we live in. Find cooking recipes that you can try at home or on the road. Purchase salsa that has been 5 years in the making. Travel the backroads and Highways of America - Kickin It Van Voast Style! Faith, Family and RVing, Spreading Good News to all that will hear.