An informative platform is a digital or online space designed to provide valuable and relevant information to its users. These platforms serve as a hub for sharing knowledge, news, educational content, or data on a wide range of topics. They can take various forms, including websites, apps, social media channels, or specialized online communities. Informative platforms aim to empower users with insights, facts, and resources that enhance their understanding of specific subjects, stay updated on current events, or solve problems. They often feature articles, videos, infographics, expert opinions, and user-generated content. Informative platforms can cater to a broad audience or focus on niche interests, depending on their purpose and target demographic.

Wij verstrekken informatie over het medicinale gebruik van cannabis


Wernard Bruining bedacht 2009 het concept van verdunde THC-olie en in 2013 introduceerde hij verdunde CBD olie in Nederland. Tegenwoordig wordt verdunde CBD-olie overal te koop aangeboden, compleet met wietblaadjes op het etiket. Wietolie maakt zelfzorg wel heel eenvoudig en dat reduceert dan weer het aantal bezoekjes aan een huisarts. In 2020 kwam Wernard op het idee om 500 druppels CBD MAX (20ml) te mixen met een enkele druppel THC. Deze "Wondere Wietolie" bleek vele malen effectiever als iedere olie afzonderlijk door wat heet het entourage effect. Het maakt cannabinoïde zelfzorg steeds meer tot een volksmedicjijn, dat goedkoop is en altijd onschadelijk, want plantaardige cannabinoïden zijn vrijwel identiek aan die welke het menselijk lichaam produceert. Daarom is er in 10.000 jaar nog nooit iemand aan overleden. Je kunt ons vinden op en

Informative videos


Welcome to our NASA Videos Channel, your gateway to the awe-inspiring world of space exploration and scientific discoveries! Join us on an incredible journey through the cosmos as we unlock the mysteries of the universe. Here, you'll find a collection of captivating videos that showcase the cutting-edge research, breathtaking missions, and groundbreaking innovations happening at NASA. From mesmerizing footage of celestial bodies and cosmic events to in-depth documentaries and interviews with leading scientists, our channel offers an immersive experience like no other. Embark on an adventure with us as we explore distant planets, delve into the mysteries of black holes, witness the birth of stars, and uncover the wonders of our own planet Earth. Whether you're a space enthusiast, a science aficionado, or simply someone who marvels at the beauty of the cosmos, our channel will inspire and educate you. Prepare to expand your perspective, be awed by the vastness of space, and gain a deeper understanding of the world we inhabit. So, subscribe today and join our community of space enthusiasts as we marvel at the wonders of the universe together. Let's embark on an extraordinary journey into the realms of NASA and beyond!

"The Most Entertaining and Informative Videos on Rumble"


Welcome to1REBEL's Rumble account, where you'll find a dynamic collection of videos that inform, entertain, and inspire. Whether you're looking for the latest news and trends, laugh-out-loud comedy, thought-provoking discussions, or creative masterpieces, you'll find it all here. As a content creator, I strive to deliver top-quality videos that showcase my unique perspective and passions, and I'm thrilled to share them with you on Rumble. With the ability to monetize content through advertising revenue sharing, Rumble provides a platform that supports creators and encourages them to keep pushing the boundaries of creativity. So join me on this exciting journey, and let's Rumble!