Shawn Sharma


My GOAL is to give you a Million Dollar entrepreneur education ABSOLUTELY for FREE! At this point in time I've made a bunch of money, and I use my other social platforms to sell & run my bizs. BUT I want Youtube to serve as the behind the scenes and as a place for me to teach you all the GAME I've learned for FREE. All I ask is your support in exchange for my hard work and the value I'll bring you! Over the last 10 years, I've gone from living with 2 disabled parents in a trailer park in the middle of nowhere Alabama off $600 a month, to graduating from an Ivy League College (Cornell University - Go Big Red!), Getting a full ride to medical school, Dropping out to do Biz after my Father passed away, Making my first Million, Losing it all in bad biz partnerships, Building it up again, Creating multiple 7-8 fig bizs from $0 before 30 years old, and finally becoming a multi-millionaire. And now I want to share how I did it so you can do it too and not struggle like I did for so long!

GoExploring with Color&Shawn 多彩居美生活


Hello, everyone, we are Color and Shawn. Just start this channel on 12/31/2021. We love outdoor activities and travel around by running half marathons race. In this channel, we will share our life in the United States, with stories of our faith, travel, running, food, hiking, and fruits & vegetables from the backyard. Let’s keep a positive attitude to face every day. If you like our channel, welcome to give a like, share and subscribe. We will upload new video every Friday. Also welcome to click on the link below and go to our Instagram to check, there are many sharing of our travel. Thank you for visiting our channel! 大家好,我们是Color 和 Shawn。在2021年最后一天开始我们的频道。喜欢户外运动,并通过跑半程马拉松比赛去各地旅游.在这里,我们会分享我们在美国的生活,有我们的信仰故事,旅游,跑步,美食,远足以及来自后院的的果蔬。让我们一起保持积极的态度面对每一天。如果喜欢我们的频道,欢迎点赞分享并订阅。我们会在每个周五上传新视频。也欢迎点击下面的连接,去我们的Instagram看看,那里有很多我们旅游的分享。 谢谢拜访我们的频道!