الإبداع للتعلم المتقن


الإبداع للتعلم المتقن هشام سالم مرحبًا بكم في قناتنا التعليمية . نقوم بشرح الدروس من الكتاب المدرسي مع حل تدريبات من سلاح التلميذ. نستخدم لغة الحوار والمناقشة وحل المشكلات وذلك من خلال مخاطبة التلميذ أثناء الدرس . وكذلك تدريب التلميذ على الاستماع وفهم المسموع وفهم ما يقرأ كما أننا نعمل على تنمية المهارات المختلفة كالانتباه والاستنتاج والتفاعل واتخاذ القرار والكثير من المهارات من خلال التعلم الغير مقصود . دعونا نجعل هدفنا التعليم من أجل العلم وبناء العقول وتنمية المهارات وما يفيد الفرد و المجتمع . راجين من الله عز وجل أن نجعل العملية التعليمية شيقة للمتعلم . مما ثير دافعية التلميذ للتعلم وحب العلم . وفقنا الله إلى ما فيه خير لأبنائنا . للتواصل https://www.facebook.com/hesham.salem.739978

In City Motorcycle Vlog


Welcome to the exhilarating world of city motorcycling! Join us as we explore the buzzing streets, iconic landmarks, and hidden gems of our vibrant city on two wheels. In our city motorcycling vlog, we take you on thrilling rides through the heart of the metropolis, showcasing the unique experience of navigating busy traffic and narrow alleyways, all while feeling the adrenaline rush that only a motorcycle can provide. Join our expert riders as they share their tips and tricks for urban motorcycle enthusiasts, providing valuable insights on safety, gear essentials, and handling challenging city riding situations. But this vlog isn't just about the ride; it's about exploring the city's culture, entertainment, and food scene through the lens of a passionate motorcyclist. Discover stunning street art, visit trendy cafés and restaurants, and immerse yourself in the local lifestyle as we take you on our city exploration. Whether you're an avid rider or simply curious about the city motorcycle scene, our vlog offers a thrilling and informative journey. So, buckle up (or rather, gear up), and join us on this high-speed adventure as we delve into the world of city motorcycling!

"FitnessHamid24: Your Ultimate Destination for Fitness and Health"


"fitnesshamid24" is a specialized channel that focuses on fitness and general health content. The channel aims to provide useful tips and exercise routines for both the body and mind, as well as information on healthy nutrition and how to maintain overall physical well-being. The channel features high-quality video content that is professionally produced, with an engaging and entertaining style that attracts an audience interested in fitness. Your channel is a valuable source for followers who want to improve their health and physical fitness.