

Description My name is Kristen Sarah, and I am an actress and adventure travel junkie. This is an out-of-the-box, off-the-beaten-path, travel channel. I film my crazy adventures around the world, give travel tips and advice in a fun and comedic way. I also like to dress up as different characters and act out travel stories based on true events. Enjoy and happy travels! WHERE ELSE YOU CAN FIND ME: INSTAGRAM - FACEBOOK- TWITTER - SNAPCHAT - itskristensarah TUMBLR - BLOG -

Train Smart - Then Hard


We at are dedicated to making you better in MMA and self defense. Our maxim "train smart - than hard" is what we're all about. Smart training methods above all else, then hard work. So if you're a coach, fighter or a recreational practitioner - you've come to the right place. One can't exist without another, but unfortunately we've seen a lot of hard workers in MMA that come up short because they were missing the most important ingredient - systematic and intelligent approach to training. And this is where we come in. Let us be your guide through the world of Mixed Martial Arts and self defense and we will show you how to train properly, win fights, change the way you think about training and minimize your chance of injury. Our videos feature tricks, tips, techniques, & various other subjects connected to MMA. We also feature other experts. SUBSCRIBE!