WrongWayCorrigan Fix America


This channel is of two parts. As of this writing, there are 48 video essays devoted to three subjects: the vote, the courts and the mind. Each of those can be subdivided into either the real or the unreal. When I find structure either existing or potential, I describe it. I draw from the Humanities in history, philosophy political science and literature. I am most successful with forensic investigations of historical events that may be several decades old or back to the middle ages. The short stories are part of my 850,000 word count of fiction and they are both humorous and poignant. The remainder of my fiction is linked to a page, which, in turn, is linked to this website: GOODSTORYSALOON.COM. I try to be clear in thinking and audible to obviate the need for rewinding. Personally, I like taking a sandwich to my desk at noon to listen to my own stuff. I find it to be always fresh, despite the fact that I am its author. wwg1wga

The Great American Podcast


"Where everything American Matters" Our focus will be on everyday Americans. Segments in our show will include ways to help each other locally, helping military vets and the homeless. Human Trafficking awareness, local elections and how to get involved. Survival tips, Gardening tips, homeschool tips and much more. As we travel around the country, we will have stories on local events, rodeos, county fairs, history, culture/arts and stories that matter. We will also have a karaoke corner!! Merch Store https://thegreatamericanpodcast.printify.me/products

Dad Saves America


Proud papa, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and arm-chair philosopher John Papola explores the biggest issues facing our kids, our communities, and our country through the lens of fatherhood. We produce powerful stories, exclusive interviews, mini-documentaries, and deep dives on a weekly basis. Our goal is to build a movement of dads and could-be dads who embrace our heroic calling to raise a new generation ready to thrive in a free society and be champions of civilization. New videos every Thursday.

American Freedom Tribe


We’re a group of Patriotic Americans who love our country, our freedom, our rights, and of course God. We also love Trump and love what he stands for. He’s the only president in history who stood up to the swamp and took on all the crooked career politicians who’ve been lining their pockets at the expense of hardworking Americans for decades. Trump wasn’t perfect as president but he was exactly what America needed and he had the courage to stand up and fight. He was as tough as they come and America needed a badass like him to bring us back to greatness and expose the corruption in Washington and in the media. Perhaps the greatest thing Donald J. Trump did was expose the media as fake and full of complete shit with virtually every story they fabricated. Coining the phrase “Fake News” he shined a bright spotlight on the lies and manipulation that has been going on for years. And by doing so he created a legion of people willing to share the truth about what’s really going on in the world. American Freedom Tribe is a part of this legion. A part of those willing to share the truth, stand up for America, and defend (albeit peacefully) against the evil and corruption that has seeped into every crevice of the global power structures. We’re on the right side of history and we always will be. But we need more people like you to help us win this fight as we’re only just beginning. Will you join the American Freedom Tribe and stand beside us? We’re gonna need as many Patriots as possible.