Das zuverlässige Wort.


N I F B - U N G E F I L T E R T - B I B L I S C H Podcast der Baptistenkirche Zuverlässiges Wort, Pforzheim. Als Baptisten glauben wir, dass die Bibel Gottes Wort ist, dass Gott sein Wort bis heute zu 100% bewahrt hat und dass wir daher die Wahrheit in unseren Händen halten können. Ziel dieses Podcasts ist es, biblische Lehre leicht verständlich in kurzen Episoden zu erklären, Irrlehren aufgrund der Bibel zu entlarven und aktuelle Ereignisse im Licht von Gottes Wort zu bewerten. Zusammen mit Pastor Anderson werden wir außerdem in längeren Episoden Bücher der Bibel Vers für Vers erläutern. Wir wollen mit diesem Podcast das nach Deutschland wieder zurückbringen, was es verloren hat: Biblisches Christentum.

Audiobook LAB


Audiobook Lab is an innovative platform that provides users with whatever books they want reincarnated into an Audiobook. The platform offers a wide variety of audiobooks and podcasts, including bestsellers, classics, business, and more. With Audiobook Lab, users can search for and download titles directly to their device without the need to purchase the physical book or CD. The app also allows users to create custom playlists and customize playback settings. Additionally, users can access exclusive bonus content, such as interviews, author biographies, and more. With Audiobook Lab, readers can explore a world of stories and enhance their listening experience.

The best of classical music


"Classical music is a musical style that originated in Western Europe in the late medieval period and flourished in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. It is characterized by an erudite musical art form, which is performed by professional musicians and follows a set of musical conventions that have evolved over the centuries. Classical music is typically written for orchestral instruments such as violins, violas, cellos, double basses, flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, horns, trumpets, trombones, tubas, and percussion, as well as keyboard instruments such as piano, harpsichord, and organ. Classical music is known for its harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic complexity, as well as its formal and structural sophistication. Many classical composers, such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms, are widely regarded as some of the greatest musical artists of all time."