Katana plays Space Engineers


The repository or dump, whichever really, for my foreay and shinanihans in the game Space Engineers on Xbox one X. Links for support. Links for you to support me, but my preference is Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Katanaidiot https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=N4QA2HGT7BJ42 https://werewithidiotkatana.locals.com http://cash.app/$Katanalightn3ngcat https://www.liberapay.com/IdiotKatana/donate https://rumble.com/register/KatanaLightn3ngcat/

Alcoholic Audio Engineer


I defeated my decades-long addiction to alcohol by replacing it with an addiction to home studio recording. I can help you to do the same. Videos on this channel will not focus on horror stories about my alcoholism. One problem that many recovering alcoholics have is that they spend too much time dwelling on their sordid pasts and thinking about alcohol and how they can no longer have it. This is why I never attended AA meetings or any other sort of support group. The only support I got was from God and myself. Playing and recording and mixing music is great therapy for alcoholism recovery. It's a creative pressure release valve for stress and anxiety and shame and guilt and all the other negative shit that too many recovering alcoholics wallow in. At the end of the process, you have a recording that you can play over and over again, remembering with a sense of pride and accomplishment all the problems you solved en route to achieving it. Anyone can do it, and I will show you how.

Kinetic Engineering Corporation


Kinetic Engineering supplies heat transfer and process equipment for industrial use. We have been a stocking distributor for Standard Xchange (previously ITT Standard/American Standard) since 1969, and we are proud to be the largest stocking distributor in the United States. Our complete heat exchanger product line includes shell and tube, plate and frame, brazed plate, spiral, double pipe/hairpin, and air cooled exchangers, all customizable. We also carry fired process heaters with outputs ranging from 0.5 to 60 million BTU per hour. Visit here: https://kineticengineering.com/