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Welcome to FreeBase News! We're a publication focused on the condition of our readers’ inalienable rights and the actions committed in their names by political states, corporations, and other entities of power. In-depth and independent journalism, for the free world!
Offizieller Kanal der AG Basisdemokratie der Basisdemokratischen Partei Deutschland
Hello! My name is Sebastian, currently living and working in the United States. I migrated and since then I have been actively involved in the local community and developing my career. I currently work in the media industry where I spend my time researching and developing solutions. Outside of work, I also have a passion for nature video recording and regularly participate in activities related to that hobby. I always look for opportunities to learn and connect with people around me, to expand my knowledge and improve myself every day.
“#1 Latino Podcast in the world” - Google 🥇🇲🇽🎙🌎 Hosted by Sebastian Robles & Josh Leyva
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