Kevin Stravert


Learn how to do anything, with high-quality how-tovideos. I teach millions of students around the worldevery month across YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, andother social media platforms to help them mastertechnology, achieve more at work, and succeed atschool. I've been featured on CNBC, Fast Company,GeekWire, and Windows Central. I'm an ex-MicrosoftProduct Manager and now a full-time educationcontent creator. NEWSLETTER Get the top tech tips and tricks delivered to yourinbox each week: /newsletter/ REQUEST VIDEOS OFFICIAL WEBSITE SUPPORT THE CHANNEL Support the channel with your Amazon purchases: (Disclosure: this link givesme a small commission to support videos on thischannel. The price to you is the same.)

Media One Mavericks


Mavericks are a group of 5 women from across the US that met thru a Blessed to Teach impactors class. The class included a few tests that provided us with our passion, gifts and personality type. This was the information used to bring us together. We are a group of like-minded women. We believe in our one true God of all creation, our Savior Jesus. We love our country, our Freedom, and our families. The one thing the Mavericks all agree on is that the world is different. It seems like people are being divided by all kinds of things… Times are confusing. Our desire as a group is to be a place that you can come to hear stories maybe find out that you are not alone, maybe find some information that will lead you to more understanding.

Full Length Screensavers


Full-length screensavers are display programs that get triggered when a system is left idle for a specific duration. They were traditionally used to prevent burn-in on heat-emitting CRT monitors. Burn-in occurs when a static image is displayed for a long time, causing the overuse of certain pixels. Screensavers get rid of the static screen by displaying either a blank screen or dynamic, animated patterns. Some of the most popular Windows screensavers are the Maze, flying Windows Logo, 3D Pipes, 3D Text Bubbles, Mystify, Ribbons, etc. However, with the advent of modern low-energy LCD, OLED, and IPS panels, screensavers aren’t technically necessary as these panels don’t have the burn-in issue that CRT monitors had. Despite this, screensavers can still be used for aesthetic purposes or for nostalgic reasons. They can display beautiful animations, images, or patterns when your computer is not in use.