Solfeggio frequencies | Meditation | Healing


Dear Starseeds, welcome to my channel of the true sound of Golden solfeggio vibrations for conscious relaxation. Here you can trust to the perfect tuning to the right positive frequencies created by us using oscilloscope. "Golden Solfeggio vibrations" is a special sound frequencies that have a very powerful effect on the human body. The impact of these frequencies leads to a complete psycho-emotional recovery, as well as to the recovery of the entire human body as a whole. 174 Hertz: Removes Pain 285 Hertz: Influences Energy Field 396 Hertz: Liberates you of Fear & Guilt 417 Hertz: Facilitates Change 432 Hertz: Miracle Tone of Nature 528 Hertz: Repairs DNA 639 Hertz : Heals Relationships - Heal the Heart 741 Hertz: Awakens Intuitions 852 Hertz: Attracts Soul Tribe 963 Hertz: Connects with Light & Spirit - Pineal Gland Please subscribe to my channel to be tuned in Will work for your good well being Check community for recent updates ✨

Star Wars On Jesus


The War On Terror The War On Drugs The War On Covid Star Wars On Jesus.... Star Wars On Jesus or the Hidden Story In the 1st Trilogy, Episodes I, II and III are full of hidden symbolism. People do not realize or did not realize that they are actually bombarded with occultism and re-engineered biblical stories. This video, I produced, is thoroughly documented Bible, Talmud, footages... I would like to show you that the intentions of Georges Lucas were pretty clear, where he was going with some characters of the Episodes.I would describe Star Wars as anti-Jesus and Pro-Jewish. i would also Summarize the video as JUDAISM vs CHRISTIANITY Please take time to watch the movies I, II & III (6 hours Footage). You will be prepared to the evidences, I am going to show you, which are actually not so ‘HIDDEN’! Website: (Released soon) Patreon: Link:

Starsky és Hutch (3.szinkron)


A rendhagyó zsarupáros az egyéni öltözékével, a furcsa figurákból álló baráti körével, valamint a veszélyes helyzetekben tanúsított bátorságával és rátermettségével hívta föl magára a figyelmet. Kivételes, sajátos humorú fickók ők, és remek rendőrök, akik elképesztő magabiztossággal gyűjtik be a veszélyes elemeket, számolnak le a rablókkal, tolvajokkal, gyilkosokkal és kábítószer-kereskedőkkel. A jellegzetes, piros-fehér Ford sportkocsijuk mindenhol felbukkan, ahol szükség van rájuk, annak rendje-módja szerint befűtenek a rosszban sántikálóknak.