Samorealizacija je zakon


Na tem kanalu govorimo o samorealizaciji, osebni rasti, zdravljenju duše in telesa. Smisel iščemo v odgovorih na vprašanja. Kdo smo, kaj smo, kje smo, kdaj smo? Kaj je to čemur pravimo naš svet, kaj je to čemur pravimo realnost? Mi si delimo zgodbe, izkušnje, menja, vizijo. Mi pravimo ne hvala tistemu, kar nam ne služi več in sprejemamo vse tisto, kar nam pomaga na naši poti. Mi nismo na tem svetu zato, da bi trpeli, prestajali, se podrejali in životarili. Živi smo zato, ker hočemo ustvarjati, uživati, ljubiti, deliti, rasti, se razvijati. Živimo zato, da bi se lahko resnično počutili žive!

Touching the heart with Father William Pfeiffer


I am a Catholic priest, a husband and a father - I like to think that any one of these vocations makes me better at the other two. We aren't selling anything here but if you could help us by hitting the like and subscribe buttons and sharing these videos. All we can do is try to spread the Gospel and leave the rest up to the Lord. Marriage and family, spiritual wisdom, inspiration and cultural insight. Catholic spirituality. Contemplative and centering prayer. #catholicchurch #catholicfaith #catholicprayer #healingprayer #catholicism #inspirationalstories #holyspirit #mindfullness #contemplative #centeringprayer #thomasmerton #thomas keating #theresaofavila #padrepio #homily #marriagecounseling #falseself #foregiveness #catholicpriest #marriedcatholicpriest #meditation #anxietyrelief